in the neighborhood...the laziest cat in the neighborhood...???

I think probably Ebby is the grand champion of them all! She's added a new wrinkle to her daily routine. Today it was very pronounced. She saunters to the middle of the room, flops down(not graceful at ALL!) and proceeds to "just lay there and go to sleep". She has also adopted the 'corpse pose' recently,flat on her back, all 4 paws in the air, tail straight out and then watches over the top of her head....LOL. She does keep me entertained!! As I was blog hopping earlier this week, I noticed that
Tonya had listed some of us "fungly" makers....and...she didn't think the blocks were as "fungly" as they could have been. I decided to see if I could accomplish MORE ugly and MORE fun.

You'd think adding Aunt Gracies would do it,but no...not so much!

Maybe the witches undies paired with 1950'spink carnations fabric,but no... not so much!

As a last resort(or maybe not) these wild ghosts and very ugly candy corn fabric that had been a birthday gift. And then, really UGLY green(from Granny Lyn) with Mr. B's cats...hey, I think I've got it!!!!
I don't think so! They are all wonderful. I really even the last ones! Goes to show there is NO ugly fabric if you cut it small enough. May have to try these...........LOL
Paris lays on her back with her paws in the air, then peeks around to see if you are looking. It means "please come and scratch my tummy." So we go and scratch and she is happy until next time.
the ghosts and candy corn are great!
It is amazing that these "ugly" pieces do not seem so when placed in small doses with other fabrics. Keep up the good work ..
One of our cats likes to lay with all 4 in the air...cats are so much company - and let's face it - we do love them.
These are absolutely wonderful fungly blocks!! So much personality.
Hi Finn, you defintely do have it, but, I don't find them fungly at all and think you put them together quite cleverly. Regards Lyn
I think once you get the whole lot put together it will be quite fungly!!! It is in the mix of any and all blocks...don't you think? 8-)
Happy stitchings!
Who would send you such an UGLY green??? tee hee! See how pretty it looks with those kitties???
I love the fact that you're putting stitches in something, I am going to keep my hiney home this weekend and try to do the same!
Perhaps a bit of orange with the green . . . hmmm, possibilities.
I think the whichs and carnations is the best
you've definitely got it. fabulous. love all of them, but yes, undies and carnations is my fave. Lily does the same thing. just falls right over. often sleeps with her paws in the air. screwball. Plus she sometimes with an eye or two open, that's realllly creepy.
Magic does that - straight down slap bang on the floor - paws in the air.
Love your funglies. I have a horrible feeling I've got the worst fabric ever made, but I haven't got time yet to start mine.
Oh, Ebby, you are really something!
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