Monday, August 25, 2008

Finn's New Years Eve Challenge....

Big or small, short or tall, we'll take them all! The challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate...the more the merrier *VBS* Quite a few of you have indicated that you are coming ot play with me...yippee! I will be posting a list with your name, your chosen number to finish and a link back to your blog. If you don't want your name on the list, just hollar. If circumstances change, just hollar. This is suppose to be fun *VBS*, and help some UFOs move out of the closets and drawers. I have this polka dotted beauty...its been aging for a few weeks now. Time for borders and some "getting it together". BUT.......
 THIS is the one I'm going to start with as I undertake this challenge to myself. These are the "Whatever" blocks from a year or so ago. They are SUPPOSE to ba a baby quilt for that new grandbaby Hailey Marie. She's a month old already, I better get busy!!! I will post what I am working on as I move from quilt to quilt(hopefully).
Regarding the challenge: There will be NO pressure on you to work faster. NO Quilt Police will ever see your name on my list. "Finished" can mean quite a few different things. All the way to binding and a label, or just that the blocks are completed and awaiting join up.
If you fall short of the deadline, we'll be here to cheer you UP...and if you make it, we'll cheer you ON! We are people, after all, not machines, and what is reasonable to you is certainly reasonable to me. Let's have fun and get some quilts D.O.N.E!!!
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Myra said...

Sounds like a plan Finn! Onward we go! 8-)
Happy stitchings!

Unknown said...

I'll play!

1. Leah's pink and purple baby quilt (allllllllllll the way!)

2. DH's Zelda quilt (allllllllllll the way!)

3. Piece top of 2008 siggy swap blocks

4. Piece top of 2007's b&w b-day blocks

5. Piece top of months of the year swap


Clare said...

Count me in, but I'm not including the Q4L quilts in the list. So here goes:

1. Bind crumbs quilt.
2. Add border to Halloween quilt, sandwich and quilt
3. Finish Sugar Sweet houses - all the way!
4. Ditto You are a Star quilt for niece to be.
5. Quilt Blues quilt.
6. Do my Fungly challenge

Want any more?


Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Hailey Marie will love the bright and polka dot quilt!

Thanks for hosting the challenge and the gentle push to get things done in the sewing room...glad to have the company :)

jacquie said...

i so need this kind of motivation, so may i play too? i have 17 ufo's on my list right maybe half would be a good about 8?

Gypsy Quilter said...

A plan, Finn has a PLAN and a goal, I need a GOAL. Now that cooler weather is coming, quilting some tops is at the head of my list. I'm hoping to finish at least 4, maybe more. So count me in Finn!

Cher said...

ah, nothing beats company to help reach a goal. as I am a leader on the stashbuster list of our ufo challenge-you know it has been a focus for me-but-I think I need some more cheering on-so I want to join you and be put down for 5-that ought to help rekindle those ufo flames!

Sandy's Quilter's Block said...

I want to play, too. It's just the kick in the pants I need to get back into the groove. It'll be fun.

Granny Lyn said...

I"m picking up the flag!!!

Count me in for four:

1. African Star
2. Leaders and Enders Benefit
3. Yellow windowpanes
4. at least one Linus Quilt
oh, forgot...make that five,

5. Mr. Wonderful's Maring Corp quilt (easy peasy) for Christmas

Babs said...

I'm game! I know I can get at least 6 done.

1. "Little Blessings"
2. "Mocha Lovers"
3. Batik Scraps
4. Christmas Disappearing 9-patch
5. Sunflowers Tablerunner
6. Christmas Wallhanging

Jeanne said...

Count me in for the challenge, Finn! I don't know what projects yet, but I hope to finish at least three.

Beth said...

OK Finn....count me in. I just posted my list on today's blog post. I gotta get some of these UFOs done....Perhaps this will give me some focus. Thanks!

antique quilter said...

a great idea AGAIN Finn!
I have been working on finishing some of my projects that I Have started....but a new one keeps sneaking in!
my goal is to finish 3 by the end of the year!
thanks for the inspiration.

Karla said...

Can I play?? Lord knows I have enough UFOs! I'll shoot for getting 3 done. This will be fun!!

Becky said...

Count me in. - 7 projects and a whole lot of quilting. Have a great day! Becky

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I had so much fun with my little challenge "finish 5 by July" I would love to join your challenge...please sign me up...

Codi said...

I want to play!

I will finish (or try)
1. Hand quilt my fungly sampler
2. Piece, embroider, and join the blocks for my denim crazy quilt
3. Finish piecing my star blocks

Unknown said...

Finn, I'd love to join in the challenge. I just started blogging myself last week in an effort to complete UFO's to be able to photograph them - having tracked the 5 by July challenge via Rose Marie's blog, ( and would love the extra incentive of this challenge. Now this list will probably change as I'm currently trying to sort out all my quilting 'stuff' and will find many more UFO's to consider, so for starters I'd like to:-
finish the Jack Skellington wall hanging
finish 'the animals came in 2x2' baby quilt/hanging
quilt the round robin top
Thanks Finn

Shelina said...

Count me in Finn! I would like to say I'll be able to finish them all, but I think I'll say 2 for a realistic number, with the hopes that I can move that number upwards as I get the momentum going on the finishes!

Dionne said...

Oh Finn, what a wonderful idea! Put me down for sure!

Let's see, put me down for five. I would say more, but with the teachers on strike... summer may never end! The kids are soooo happy, me... well, I'm ready for school!


Willow Grove - Kez said...

Thank you Finn I need someone pushing me. Please count me in. I will try and get 7 WIP done by New Years Eve. I better get going

Pattie D said...

Count me in, I need to be accountable to someone besides myself! I am thinking 5 projects.
Baby Ty-kell's quilt
Baby girl ? quilt
Old Tobacco Road
Leftover Orange Crush
Celestial Migrane

Wow that should be doable for me...Thanks for the challenge

Cheryl said...

Hi Finn,

Please add my name to your list of the New Years Eve Challenge Participants. Put me down for 5 quilts please!

Busy Little Quilter said...

I'll play, too!

I found your blog at Patti's.

I think I will try to finish 7 quilts. I,too, need something to make me accountable!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Hi, I am in your challenge do you have a button that I can put on my blog to link to your challange? Jane

Anonymous said...

I would love to challenge myself to finish somem quilts. All summer I have been making tops and would love that little extra push to get them completed. Put me in for 5 and hopefully I will get even more done!


Maria Harrits said...

Yes, yes, yes - I love this. This week I suddenly did remember, that I earlier this year promised myself, that I would be the owner af less UFO´s by the end of 2008, than at the beginning. But I forgot! So please let me in!

This is my list:
- One block wonder quilt
- Flowers and butterflies quilt
- Sunbonnet Sue quilt
- Yo yo bag
- Table runner for Christmas
- Kalejdoskob quilt

And hopefully a couple fo projekts more!

Hanne said...

I am a late bloomer on this one, but I want to join too :-)
This challenge is just what I need !!

~Bren~ said...

I want to join too!! I will gather my list and let you know when I post it...I can think of 3 hand quilted projects right off the bat!

Carolina Girl said...

I would love to play, but I will have to modify it, as I don't quilt! LOL I crochet, and I have a BAG full of UFO's. I need to finish a few before Christmas as gifts. So, here are mine (If I can play :-)
1. Dad's Afghan
2. Sean's Pillow
3. Sarah's Doll Outfit
4. Jo's Gift Pillow
5. Grandma's Hat

All started, all not finished. To me, finished means giftable, so I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Good Luck to all!

Coleen said...

I'd like to join too please! I have at least 5 UFO's, I'll post pictures on my blog.

Sigrun said...

I will like to join your challenge. I have a lot of ufo's in my stash and I will try too finish 5 of them. I will post picture's in my blog.

Sølvis blog said...

Yes I will play along. Will post in my blog as I start on each UFO.

Edna said...

This is something I need to sign up for to challenge myself. It seems that I am a VERY good starter but not such a good finisher. I would love to get 3 projects off of my UFO list by New Years Eve if its not too late to join in.


Miri said...

Oh I would like to join. I told myself at the beginning of the year I would quilt one quilt top a month and I need a push. I'll quilt 5 tops from the closet.

Lori in South Dakota said...

all right, another reason to work on UFO's! I choose, hmmm, 3!
1--beach party
2--sunny lanes
3--jewel box

Thanks for inviting us in your challenge.

Leanne said...

Hope I'm not too late to join,
I would like to complete two quilts & one quilt top by end of year.

Love Leanne NZ

The Demanding Doll said...

Count me in. I had challenged myself to finish 4 by the end of October. I'm starting to run behind a bit but still might make it.
But add me to your list for a total of 8 - the 4 by October. Then add 4 to finish by New Year's Eve - 3 small and 1 big. :) Have to see which ones call to me before deciding what to finish.


Michele Bilyeu said...

Finn, I've been watching this challenge from when it first started when I was up in Alaska for over a month and couldn't join in your fun. Now, I've been back in Oregon for two weeks and still haven't turned on the sewing machine. Time to get some Finn mojo going. Count me belatedly in! I definitely need something to jumpstart me! I'll try Finn's New Year's Eve UFO Challenge and see what happends :) Michele ~ 4 ~ finishes

Laurie said...

I've been working on this without seeing your blog so why not sign up? Only a month to quilt and get ready for Christmas....I think I can finish 3 projects. That's about one a week.