Now if you are a pilot, that means just one thing..."don't make changes, stay put doing what you are doing". But I'm NOT a pilot, would be nice, but I'm not. What I have are alot of "quilt beginnings" that are in a holding pattern of their own. I have said it on my blog, I'm a great "beginner", not such a good "ender".

The results of "holding patterns" are what we quilters call UFOS. Unfinished! Unlike income tax, quilts are fun to begin..

and after you've begun and the excitment wears off, you're suppose to stick to it and finish it up. Right?

And that's what I have lots of in my sewing room, the tops I didn't 'stick to and finish'.

It's not that I NEVER finish things, just not as regularily as I should. I'm happy to say I've managed to finish up hundreds over the years, but must confess to having somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 to 60 that are still "just beginnings". The days slip by with little meaning to me, time is a relative thing you know. I seem to have all the time in the world, although it would be nice to have those projects in the hands of their new owners. A 43 degree(brrrrr)morning found me realizing that autumn is coming swiftly, very very swiftly. I think I'll shift gears and see what I can get finished by the end of the year. Four months and 7 days til New Years Eve.....I think I can finish at least 5 quilts in that time. Anybody want to play along? Set a number or goal for yourself and keep me company?? Please? *VBS* Hugs to all!!
Oh Finn, how true, the excitment to start a quilt and the obligation to finish it. I have some to be quilted and some to complete the stitching. I keep plugging along.
I too have a lot of UFOs that are bothering me in a rather remote and distant voice. Your challenge to make a commitment to finishing a certain number before the New Year sounds like a challenge I need!
So, how many do I intend to finish. . . . well, I know I'm going on at least one retreat where I will have two full days. . .maybe TWO while I'm there. . .and then oh, THREE more while at home. Wow, I think that's just what you said, "FIVE".
OK. I'm going to finish FIVE before the New Year. And I'll count on you to keep reminding me.
I'm happy to say I have few tops without backs and middles. In order to accomplish that I will admit to tieing more than a few -- probably more than I've quilted.... but done is good, and the receipients have loved them and used them, so all is well...
Oh this is timely. I was in my sewing room this afternoon doing some picking up. The last 3 projects I have done have been rush jobs and my room showed it. I was looking around realizing how many UFO's I have just sitting there. I would love to join in, but with my work schedule I don't think I can do 5. I'm going to commit to 3 and hope for the best. Maybe when I finish some I will be inspired to finish more.
Five is a reasonable number for me! I have 3 that have deadlines before New Years hits and I've got one that I want to finish for myself before then and if I add the top that's intended for my son and make it a Christmas gift...well that's five right there. Okay, I'm in for the challenge. Ready, set, GO!
So nice to catch up on your blog.Love the rag rug at the top. Like you, keep discovering more UFo's the more I unpack in Mississippi. Wow, no signs of autumn yet.... and I am happy..would like to finish two little quilts....started long ago...both autumn feeling.
Good luck on your commitment of doing 5 before the end of the year. I only have that I am hand quilting right now and will finish by end of Sept. The other one I just finished the machine sewing a couple of days will start the hand quilting as soon as I finish the one I am one now. I can't start something and not finish it...just not in my make up..having unfinished business/projects makes me nervous.
Have a great week.
Oh my, you just described me to a "T". Hhhhhmmm, I would LOVE to play along but....there's this quilt I was going to do for my brother for Christmas and that QOV I promised myself I'd do and, and, and....ok, ok, no more excuses. I'm in for 5, no wait, 3 well, maybe 3......
Flying Geese and Northwind blocks are positively my two favorites. Kids are both off to school. I'm hoping to get my quilting 'groove' thing back...Take care...
I'd love to join you since I have at least as many UFOs as you do but with all that's been going on I'm not making any commitments for a while(except to stay out of hospitals.)
Loved seeing the pictures of Miss Ebby. Looks like she's making herself very comfortable-so sweet!
I only have one quilt that's not quilted,my first try at a large quilt (king size) and it has given me a fit, but I have already done several rows of stitching in the ditch, and I really want to quilt it myself, but will I ever get it finished......who knows.....I DO know, I will never take on trying to quilt another large quilt, I will definitely get someone to do that for me!BUT, I too, am a finisher, so this quilt keeps nagging at me, maybe someday....SIGH.........
Hey Finn!
I am the Queen of UFOs in my groups out here. I've even had nagging comments like, "Do you really think you need to buy that fabric for something new when you have soooo many UFOs?"... ya! I know! They nerve of some people!!! She isn't quilting with us anymore... LOL! So, I believe it is time that I get my own nagging UFOs under control, so count me in for 5 by the end of the year...?... I best get into that sewing room now!!! 8-)
Happy stitchings!
Yikes! What have I gotten myself into? LOL! 8-)
Count me in I'll finish 6. Promise to cheer me on when I lag behind. I promise I'll do it for you. Happy Quilting!!
Ooo, good idea. Not sure I'm ready to commit yet though!
I meant to tell you how much I like the Flying Geese quilt. That's a pattern I'm going to do someday ;- )
By the way, you might check out Roz's fungly top. It technically qualifies for the Orphan Train. I've left her a note to check out your blogs; you can see hers at
I have to finish a bunch of baby quilts - starting with one for my son. I need to have 6 done .. count me in for 6. I better get sewing!
Ermmmm... fully quilted quilts or flimseys? I have 3 no 4 that will need to be quilted in fact 3 are already basted. I'll go on record for 3 and if I finish more than that, then good!
Fall has not arrived here yet. We have had cold days and snow in the high country, but then it all burns off. Aspens aren't even turning yet and I was above tree line several times so I know.
I have the same question as Paula, the quilter. Are we talking about fully quilted or flimseys? I think I'm going to aim for 5 fully quilted (or tied) and 3 completed flimseys. Sounds ambitious, but I'll give it a try.
Count me in for this challenge! I did quite well for the last one and it will be fun to see how many can be finished by New Year's Eve.
There are 5 that will be my challenge.
I would love to join your challenge. I am going for 4. Thanks and what fun. Jane
PS Stop by my blog, I am having a giveaway, I think you will really like!
As you know, I've been plugging away at UFO's all this year. Unlike the previous five years, where I did my best but made little headway, I'm very happy with what I've done so far. Retirement sure helps! I think I'm on track to reach my goals as I'm getting closer all the time. Sure, I accept your challenge. I should be able to finish 5 more quilts by the end of the year. Actually it will have to be six - I can't all Lily's quilt a UFO but it must be finished long before the end of the year.
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