Saturday, April 22, 2006

Saturday...I was tagged a couple of days ago by Sandy of Abandoned in Pasadena, with a "meme" of weird things about myself...LOL. And while I'll happily admit I'm "weird" or a bit "kookie", it's been hard to come up with 6, (I think it was 6) weird things to share...but I worked on it...LOL. So here goes....
1. I like sugar on my pancakes, don't like syrup as I find it too sweet.

2. My eyes aren't round(like marbles) which most peoples are, mine are egg shaped. And one eye is smaller than the other.

3. You absolutely, positively COULD NOT get me to put anything resembling gravy (i.e. sausage in gravy,creamed chicken,etc) over a biscuit. Nope, never, nada..just isn't going to happen. I will put butter and jam, or butter and honey on one....that's my limit on biscuit dressing.

4. I can only sleep on my stomach. Which is fine. But that means I don't sleep in cars, on airplanes, in hospitals, or in my recliner. If I'm to sleep, it's going to be in a bed, covered up, and on my stomach.

5. I have no problem with spiders, mice or bats. I detest snakes and worms...not sure if that is weird or not, but that's how it is.

6. I'm what I call a "perimeter" person. I prefer observing to participating. I don't want to be seated in the middle of a resturant, or in the center of much of anything I can think of. I prefer to stand on the edge or the rim...makes for a quick get away...*VBG*

OK..and now I'm going to tag 6 of you...(evil grin)... and I think it should be Jeanne, Dawn, Melzie, Judy of Ragdolls, Carolyn and Tracey..*VBS* But only if you want to play along.


Maggie Ann said...

Hello Finn, I'm with you on #6..I like quick get-a-ways too. I'm way better than I used to be though. Thankfully *vbs*. That was fun to read. Hope you had the lovliest kind of Easter with your family. Isn't it wonderful to watch all the lilacs and tulips come to life, what a show of God's beauty and grace. I love the flowers & the Creator!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Hmmm 6 things! This might be hard! I"m sure I have a lot of weird things about myself - not sure I want to share them!!!! :)
I'll put my thinking cap on!

Nines said...

ahh, gravy? Now that's just sad! I think gravy should be it's own food group. Ok, none on a biscuit. How about on mashed potatoes? I love to sit on the edges, myself- much less confining. And I think I could sleep hanging from my toes! I say that as I am up at 3:23 am!

Judy said...

I'll play along as long as no one realizes that I am too quirky and runs in the other direction! It might be hard though to find 6 others to tag who haven't already been tagged. But I'll try!

Now off to think!?!?

Quiltgranny said...

Hmmmm, no gravy? And in Wisconsin? Must be kind of hard to do those logging expeditions with no sleep and no gravy LOL!

Carolyn said...

Thanks for tagging me...I'll give this some thought and post later!


Judy said...

You know my eye doctor told me a long time ago that the surface of my eyes are shaped like spoons..or footballs. That's why I can never get contacts to fit right so I can see.

Not round but oval. Id that what you mean when you talk about yours?

Carolyn said...

I'm not a maple syrup person either. I was raised with lemon and sugar on my heritage from my German grandmother. It's my favorite way to eat them!

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Finn...that was very good. We agree on number #1 as I sprinkle a little sugar on my pancake while I'm cooking it and don't use syrup either.
We also agree on #3...absolutely NO gravy on my biscuits...just butter or jelly.

One thing that I failed to list and that southern folk find weird about me is that when I eat soup bean (Pinto beans) I don't have corn bread or ho cakes with them. I put cheese in them & if I don't have any cheese, cottage cheese will do. Now isn't that weird?
It makes southerners gag...but hey...I was raised on bean burritos with cheese.