Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Aftermath:(#1 of 3) The stars are all made, the lattice selected...and this is what has accumulated on the cutting board edges. 20 stars, 20 centers(easy)1 background(easy) but oh my, those star points. I think I could have made a million stars by now, if I wasn't doing it for someone else. That my sad song for this week...*VBG* Posted by Picasa


Laura said...

Finn - It looks like you have been a busy, busy girl!

Maggie Ann said...

You have the most beautiful stash! Always something you have used catchs my eye and gives me pleasure...*vbs*

Linda C said...

I love the Finn choice for sashing but as you said--probably not for everyone's tastes. The green is probably the tamer choice with all that is going on in the stars themselves.

Going to be a treasure for the "obligee" with all those cool novelties at center.

Cher said...

Finn, feel free to make a star quilt for me using those polka dots for lattice! I can't have you feeling sad :-) Glad you are nearing the end of this must do quilt!

ForestJane said...

Hey, are you sure you didn't come over to my house and take that picture? I seem to have piles of fabric on every surface right now. All lopsided piles, just like that... lol

Patty said...

love the fairies in the stash ! I would love the sashing you like but I understand that some folks like a bit more "unbright".
You have been a busy girl !