Friday, May 19, 2006

A finish! And and rainy. I finally am DONE with this old thing. I've been curious about Bonnie's washing the quilt immediately, and decided to try it with this one. It's a scrappy 9 patch star, done with a friend. As I told you we each made 2 of the 9 patches we were using, and then swapped the extra. It's only a 20 block quilt, but with the star setting the 9 patches got bigger, and I used scrappy lattice . It's quilted with perle cotton. Finally got the binding on it Amen! Posted by Picasa


Linda C said...

What a fun quilt and great idea for getting all the blocks you need for a top. Did you do this with "your" Betsy?

I chickened out of making my back scrappy since it is not my quilt and ran (if you count 20 miles round trip as running, LOL) over the mountain to get that extra green so I can get the braids done before the next meeting. I seamed the back for it earlier this morning before I posted.

Hugs but you give me far too much credit, Finn.

Judy said...

So how did the washing experiment go. I am always petrified of washing them. I haven't washed a single on of my quilts yet. I know that my neice has washed both kids quilts I made for her 2 kids and they did great.

I prewash the fabric...but I'm still to chicken to just wash for no reason.

How'd it come out?

Hanne said...

What a sweet nine patch star :-) What do you think of the washing ? I do it all the time with my quilts, and have not regretted it yet.

ForestJane said...

Did you wash and tumble dry or wash and try to find someplace flat to lay it out wet?

I'm always leery of washing mine too... lol