Saturday, May 13, 2006

Forecast: Sunny....*VBS* What a quilter can pull from a scrap bag has few limitations. If you sew, and if you have can bring sunshine to any old day that needs it. We are in our fourth straight day of rain, in my corner of WI, so I'm giving us some artifical sunshine. Way back when, and you know how long ago that was...LOL, I bought a book called Scrap Savers Stitchery Book by Sandra Lounsbury Foose. And indeed it's just that. Lots of things to make from scraps. Toys, gifts and ornaments and more. She went on in later years to publish several more books and eventually got into quilt patterns. The year was 1977, and believe it or not this is a quilted sunshine..*VBS* Just the quarter inch in, but by hand. In the book, the sunshines are placemats and the eyes are closed. But it's good to really make things "yours" whenever you can. This hung in my youngest son's room for quite a few years. He was about 2 when I made it, and it eventually got replaced by posters. I snapped the picture against the wall hanging in my hallway. You've seen the wall hanging before, about month ago, I think. Hoping you all have sunshine in your life this weekend, in one form or another..*VBS* Posted by Picasa


ForestJane said...

That's cute, Finn!

Brought a smile to my face this morning. :)

Maggie Ann said...

I appreciate the sunshine pictured here...and feel my spirits lifting at the sunny face =). I want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day dear Finn. Blessings to you!

Hunter said...

I dare anyone to look at this sun and not smile back.

Thank you, Finn, for sharing such a joyous piece.


Granny said...

That sunshine will surely brighten any day!


Judy L.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Gotta say, sunshine is one thing we do not lack here. Wish I could send some to brighten your day.

Darcie said...

Goodness Finn! You've been so usual! Love all of the star blocks. It is a very nice way to use those conversation prints for the centers. Good job!

Love your sunshine! I can't say that your western neighbors will be sending you any of the real stuff anytime soon. So you keep your smiley one out!

Happy Mother's Day, dear friend!

YankeeQuilter said...

We have had thunder and lightning all morning...thanks for a glimpse of the sun!!

Have a great Mother's Day!


Linda C said...

That spiky dresden plate looks adorable with that face! I bet your son just loved it because it IS so cheerful.

I'm going to have to head South to warm up because that cold rainy stuff is here in IL too!

Judy said...

Thanks, I need that right now. We are starting about a weeks worth of planned rainy days. Hopefully the mailman will be wrong...but so far it's ugly and dark!

WHAAAAA!! No book for me. Now I will attack the mailman Monday and hope he has my book. It was probably quicker to you than over to VA.

Judy said...

Who typed mailman??

WEATHER MAN...see I had book on the brain already!

Hunter said...

Happy Mother's Day Finn. :)


Simonetta said...

Ohhh Finn, this is a beautiful sun, really!!!!Also has a day of sun to you :))))

Lily Mulholland said...

So cute. Love that you did open eyes. Who needs a smug sun?

Sunny here but cold. Think I prefer that to warm and cloudy. Hmmm let me think about it!

Patty said...

love it ! My sister in Massachusetts has had over 8 inches of rain in just a couple days. Think she needs a sun like that right about now

Patti said...

Love the sunshine Finn! I had that book also, but I don't remember if I ever made anything out of it. I got it in one of those "get 6 craft books for 99 cents if you agree to buy 4 more" deals. Is that where you got yours? I got a lot of books like that. Finally donated all of them to the public library when my bookcases became overrun and I needed more room for quilt books.

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Thanks for sending a little sunshine my way! We had a week of rain - ugh, but my rhubarb plant sure loved the rain. Made rhubarb/strawberry pie last night so something good did come out of all those days inside.


Quilts And Pieces said...

I love your touch of sunshine!!!!

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

That's really cute and we do soooo need sunshine. We are in several days of rain & gloomy weather...I stopped counting.

I wish I would have kept the things that I had made for my children's rooms when they were mere babies. I let my kids take what they wanted when they married and have long since been misplaced. I must admit and brag a little here: I was very creative then.