Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday Morning...and after taking a day or two off, here are the next 4 blocks for one of the graduation quilts. I did see (*VBS*..yes) that Jack the Ripper will be pressed into duty. One of the star points wandered in wrong. After this quilt I think I probably will need a new seam ripper!! I have a terrible time with anything that is perceived as "reversed". I can think my way backwards in regard to travel, but I have a horrible time with mirror images. What that means is I have to lay the block "out" next to the machine, and pick up the pieces two at a time...LOL, and sometimes even that isn't enough. DD#1 thinks we need a 20 block layout, so on I go....7 more to make. Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day Posted by Picasa


Jeanne said...

Happy Monday,Finn!
Fun blocks! When direction matters, I have to lay out every piece and pick them up two at a time and face them together and then check once more that they're not reversed .. and still sometimes they are.
Jeanne :)

Cher said...

morning Finn...92 expected here today-so I would gladly ship you some of our "sunshine" for real!
what a sweet sunny wall hanging-it doesn't take much to make something fun. I am the same about those stars-have to go slow and rip often even so. Good luck with the last seven!!!

ForestJane said...


Never thought of naming my seam ripper, mostly I use my rotary cutter blade - but jack the ripper is cute!

And I was using it more than usual on the letters, but, doing my first set, I learned a LOT.

Your blocks are looking good. Are you going to have sashing or no?

Laurie Ann said...

I have to lay out blocks the same way. Check and double check and then still have to rip out sometimes!! She is going to love that quilt!

Laurie said...

Well, thank goodness for Jack the Ripper! LOL...I hate reverse sewing! But the blocks are coming along nicely! Also, your artificial sun block is adorable!

Quilts And Pieces said...

I love your mistake! It makes me feel good to see one now and then - makes me not feel so bad for having to rip all the time! for exactly the same reason!

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday, Finn. What cheery starts and lucky graduates.

What color of ripper would you like?

Ann said...

Hiya Finn! It is so refreshing to know that I am not the only one who has to frogstitch(rippit, rippit). Mine is usually because I get in to big a hurry and don't pay enough attention. Happened to me yesterday while doing my BOM's. Once I had a whole top done and didn't see the booboo til I was looking at the photo I had taken. I had to go back and rip a 4" square out of the middle! Guess we're all only human after all! ((hugs)) Have a great week!

Hunter said...

I just love "Jack the Ripper." It's so nice to be in such good company with ripping.

I'll also rip out knitting at the drop of a hat. It doesn't even bother me. I just call it "unknitting" and "unquilting." LOL.


Quiltgranny said...

I try to keep in mind that the Bible even tells us:

"as you sew so shall you rip"

Katie said...

I always called it unsewing and now I too have a Jack the Ripper, but I often prefer a single edge razor blade. Not only do I have to lay each one out but if I don't put a pin in the side to sew, I'll sew it wrong. I made a block the other day and it went so well. I got cocky so when I made the second, I had to use Jack a lot.
Big Sigh.

Linda C said...

Finn, did you spot the backwards one BEFORE you took the picture? I know the camera lens can spot those things before the naked eye can sometimes.

I think I am going to mail back an extra seam ripper for Joshua when I mail back his shirt that I helped him dismantle. Poor kid was working with old tools and the tip busted completely off. Think I can find one around the house somewhere that I have not worn out fixing MY mistakes?

Judy said...

WHAT??? Everyone doesn't lay out thier blocks next to the machine and pick them up like that? If you don't, you must be a magician, because I even take them off the design wall that way!

GUESSWHAT THE MAILMAN JUST DROPPED OFF??? My book is here!! My book is here!!! YIPPEE!!!!!

Lily Mulholland said...

Ho ho ho Finn I am glad you showed us that interesting point in one of your blocks - if you can do it, it makes me feel better about doing it too!! LOL at Jack the Ripper!