Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Quilts On Main....1989-1996. Another piece pulled from my scrapbag of memory and things that "were". I know this isn't a very good picture. And I do have a better one somewhere, of me on the railing. But this will give you an idea of my little "shop around the corner". We bought this house in 1989. It was just across the side yard from where we lived. I opened it as a business in May. When DH left the marriage, community,job, and family, I moved across the yard and into the "back" of the house. There was one downstairs bedroom, a bath, and kitchen. The rest of the downstairs was "shop". Two of my sons moved with me. Both were out of school, but not out on their own as yet. They had the 2 upstairs bedrooms and landing. It worked ok, but I was glad in August of 1994 for them to be out on their own. I lived in this house/business until 1996, and then ended the business and took a paying job..*S*. I continued to live in the house, without the Quilts on Main sign, until August of 2002. I was turning 62, tired of shoveling snow and mowing grass. The market was very strong and the house sold in 2 days. I took a senior apartment, but after 2 years of struggling to "fit" into a one bedroom, I moved to the small townhouse where I live today. And I gained an attached gargage...*VBS* Posted by Picasa


Cher said...

what a great story and building Finn- always wonderful to hear a bit more about you my friend.

Laura said...

Finn I didn't realize you once had a shop, thanks once again for sharing your history with us. You have accomplished so much!

Judy said...

I didn't realize either that you owned a quilt shop. I always say I would love to own one but not really...just have access to all the fabrics..which isn't the same at all!

Love the pictures! oooh the envy over the garage! It fun to see how other people have lived their lives. Thanks for sharing!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wow, I didn't know all that about you. What a cute little house! I bet your shop was so cute!

Peggy said...

Finn what a nice shop you had. So nice reading about your life and seeing the photos.

Maggie Ann said...

Dear Finn, You are a most special woman...I wish I could have visited your shop. I can picture it in my mind...fabrics and lovely quilts displayed in charming ways. A treat for the senses. ~~Our adult son is living at home for a while...need I say more ..grin. I'm sorry about the sad things time sometimes brings, we must just soldier on, as a dear friend would say. If you ever write a book, you must let me know, and if I ever, oh well, lets not even think it....vbs.

Katie said...

Yup, you need to keep writing stories about your life. Your children and grandchildren will really cherish them someday, if not today. And a quilt shop owner. Wow!

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

And I just bet that you were friendly to Mom's shopping with Toddlers - not always the case when I shop so I usually dash in and dash out and am more inclined to buy fat quarter bundles than yardage these days. Your shop looks like a place I would love to browse through! Good for you for following your dreams to own a shop and give it a whirl - nothing ventured, nothing gained. Sold in 2 days - no wonder!



Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...'s wonderful that you are sharing some of the bits & pieces of your life...I didn't realize that you once owned a quilt wonderful. You are full of surprises and I love to be surprised.
:) Sandy

Tonya Ricucci said...

Can't even imagine trying to fit into a 1 bedroom house. Way too much fabric and cool stuff for that. Not to mention, not NEARLY enough quilt display space.

Jeanne said...

Ah, Finn my dear one, another special memory that you're sharing with us. I would have been your best customer.
Life keeps happening, doesn't it? Sigh ...

Patty said...

Its been so nice reading about you. A shop, wow !
Love the house, its so cute.
You have done much friend :)

Darcie said...

I'm certain those walls witnessed much laughter and a few tears as well. What a life-changing little cottage for you and for many. Thank you for sharing that, Finn. Do you still have the sign?