This and that....a big thank you to all you gals who gave me suggestions and ideas for bordering the little 9 patch top. It has had to be laid aside for now, due to deadlines looming over my head. These are the first 3 stars for the first graduation quilt I need to finish by June 1st. DD#1 finally bought some FQ's of focus fabric in the interest area of the graduate, and I've had contributions from quilting friends..*VBS*(thanks to those who sent squares!) It's a little putzy but this block will sort of showcase what is special. I don't need to make a full size quilt this year....just something snuggle size. Goal: to finish the top up this week and start cutting for the second one, a pineapple blossom.
I bet you sew quilts in your sleep! have a great day and hope you finish your projects in record time.
the graduate will love it--the horses and novelties. It's fun looking for the little surprises in a quilt--the fabrics or the ones quilted in!
Love this idea! Looking forward to seeing the finished project. What is that pattern called? Or is it a Finn original?
Good day Finn...I thought I would just drop in to say hi and I really liked your Monday even had me looking at it very closely on Monday trying to figure out the borders myself. I'm going to wait for the pictures to see if you finish it like I would finish it.
Finn, again you amaze me. You just fininshed one and now well on your way to completeing another. Do you sleep or eat? Are you a sewing/quilting alien? (Hope you understand my humor). I love looking at your projects. Thanks for sharing and giving me inspiration. You are a true treasure to this quilting blog sphere.
Those blocks are sooooo cute! I just LOVE 'EM and I'm sure the grads will too!!!! And your 9P quilt...well, I like the idea of a 1"-1.5" stop border in a deep red before putting a larger border on it.
woo hoo! those star blocks are looking great! I love that star pattern for doing exactly what you are doing with it...very nice Finn.
Gotta love that cell phone fabric for a girl!
What great blocks. You just have a knack for making things work !
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