Tuesday, August 29, 2006

If you're worried, and you can't sleep.....count your blessings instead of sheep....

and I have blessings a plenty...*VBS* A delightful gift in my email box tonight. My beautiful oldest daughter and grandsons #5 and #8. Yes, they have names, but I'm not comfortable using them here, and with 8 grandsons the numbering works well...LOL.
DD had invited my youngest son to bring the boys up to their home town for a trip to the Deer Park, which is also a very small hometown amusment place. Nothing fancy, just petting zoo, pony rides and such. Very, very low tech, but from the pictures, I'd say they had a blast!!!
We don't see much of these boys, I haven't seen them since Christmas day. That's pretty normal in this case as the ex DIL feels that "his" family is the source of all evil. Luckily youngest son has them twice a month and does what he can to get them to our side of the family. They only sort of know their cousins, which is sad. Actually I haven't seen any of the grandsons since Christmas. Young parents get very caught up in their own lives it seems. I'm not able to drive the hours and hours to where they live, and that is my reality. I know there are worse situations.
So it's a delightful ending to the day to find these new pictures in my mailbox and and I just had to share my joy with you..*VBS* If you see your grandchildren regularily, count your blessings. Posted by Picasa


ForestJane said...

*8* grandsons... I'd call that a pretty rowdy bunch of blessings!

How many granddaughters?

Libby said...

What happy, smiley faces. No wonder your were so happy to find this surprise in your mailbox today. Divorce can be so very difficult -- sometimes the passing of time can soften some of the bad feelings. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Eight grandsons - wow *s*

quiltpixie said...

I count my blessings at not having grandkids!!! with my DS a 15/16 year old, I thank my God everyday we get through without grandkids :-)

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Wonderful photo of good times! Distance can make it difficult to see family too - I make a big point to spend lots of time in Austria so my son can know his family over there AND learn the language.



Ali Honey said...

We can all be grateful for the speed and simplicity of email and digital photography. Imagine having to be without it now that we are all so hooked on it.
Lovely photo!
Best Wishes from New Zealand.

Melanie said...

Beautiful picture. I don't know who is more blessed-- them or you. I bet your a "great" grandma...

Susan Tidwell said...

'Count your blessings' - I can just picture Bing Crosby singing with Rosemary Cloony in White Christmas...

My grandchildren live next door, and THANKS for reminding me that it is a blessing!

Cher said...

what a wonderful photo...your daughter is quite beautiful and those boys are gorgeous. What a delightful surprise to find indeed.

McIrish Annie said...

what a nice surprise for you!! distance makes family life difficult at times. hope you get to see them face to face really soon.

Katie said...

You are also blessed with a daughter who knows the best gifts.

Passionate Quilter said...

you truly are blessed--what beautiful children (including your daughter). I'm sorry you don't get to see your grandkids as often as you like, thank God for digital cameras that bring them into your home. :)

Melzie said...

They are precious Finn :) My MIL has 7 grandsons and 0 granddaughters :) I am glad you got to "see" them. xoxo melzie

Joyce said...

I know how you feel about having grandchildren far away. I have 7 close at hand and love that but there are 2 far away in Australia and we only see them every couple of years. THe sad thing is that they don't really know us or their cousins. Still grandchildren are the best invention yet, close or far, and pictures help a lot.

Judy said...

Very lovely family Finn!!

Linda C said...

what handsome young fellows and such happy smiling faces. Bet that brightened up the day a bit!

Susie said...

I'm sure those pictures just filled your heart with delight. I do indeed count my blessings that at least half of mine are in almost daily contact.
They are beautiful children and your daughter is lovely too!

Darcie said...

What a wonderful picture! I bet you're still smiling...and have every right!


Andrea said...

Cute grandsons!

I know Eric would like to get out of TX at some point but I don't really want to move away from our parents right now because my mom is willing to babysit quite often and does it for free. If we moved we'd have to worry about who is watching Alex if we wanted a couples night.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh that picture is a treasure!