Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fabric Hugs....not a very good picture of this quilt. It was taken as a snapshot(pre digital) in early Dec. of 2004.(I had just moved into this townhouse..this is the guest bedroom.) Then the quilt winged it's way to southern WI to a very dear old
friend. My oldest friend, in fact, I've know her since I was 7 years old. She is about 12 years older than me, and was dating my Uncle Jim, when I was a child. We re-connected in 2004, and she gave me a box of pictures she had taken of my sisters and I as children. A priceless gift....*VBS* The quilt is snuggle size(about 45" X 60".) It's Christmas scrap 4 patches, set in a double 4 patch setting. I used Christmas flannel on the back and tied it. Her birthday is Dec. 17th. She actually waited and opened it ON her birthday...LOL.
I want to thank you ALL for such lovely comments about my Scrappy Christmas Shoo Flies..*VBS*. In my opinion, my scrappy quilts are nothing special. They only seem to work for me occasionally, but they are almost ALWAYS fun to make. I love having the connection to those women who went before me, doing what they could, where they were, with what they had. To me that reads as perservence,commitment,dedication and love. In my mind it takes courage not to be sidetracked by the circumstances.
I so admire what many of you are doing. I love, love, love the wee quilts that Lucy makes from the tinest of scraps, and the wonderful things that happen when Fiona, and Bonnie, and Linda J. get going with "what's at hand".
That certainly doesn't mean that I don't love the quilts of others of you gals. Knowing what you need or want for a certain look, and going out and getting it, is just another route taken to the same destination, in my opinion. The main thing is that we are doing what we love to do, and there is room for everybody and everybodies method of getting there.
And the fabric hug part? I told my friend Lorry, that every time she uses HER quilt, it's a hug from me..*VBS* Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Finn, I love ALL your scrap quilts! Sometimes I think of my current piecing as producing scraps for quilts of the future!! The only problem is that I like the scrappy look and buy small pieces - and don't have enough leftovers!! I love the idea of a fabric hug.

Angie said...

Finn, how special your "hugs" quilt is!!! Your friend is very lucky to have had you as a friend for so many years. I treasure my "new-found" friendship with you too. :) And all of your quilts are exactly what I would love to have made and have in my house and to share with others. :D

Tracey said...

Finn, you never fail to inspire me to see what I can do with what's 'on hand'. I love it! Your quilts have such charm and are so YOU. *Thank you* for the encouragement today. :o)

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh that is a great xmas quilt too! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Finn, I just LOVE this idea of a HUGs quilt ! I'll certainly use it ! The quilt is soooo cute, the perfect one to cuddle under !

Hugs & smiles,

Libby said...

The 'Fabric Hug' is one of the reasons that I love to make quilts. We had this old tattered quilt with applique baskets in the house when I was a girl. It was the 'sick' quilt and I cuddled with it each time I was under the weather. Now the quilt is too fragrile for anything other than resting on the shelf, but I knew what comfort it brought to me. So I started out to make a quilt to use in it's stead. Many happy hours of stitching and endless hugs for family, friends and some I will never know. Sometimes a 'Fabric Hug' is just the thing we need *s*

Anonymous said...

Finn, I LOVE what you do with the scraps! I so admire your work. I wish I had the scraps to do what you do, but I'm like Hedgehog -- only buying what I need and little left over for scraps. That, combined with the fact that I'm relatively new to quilting, means not much to work with. And what I do have left over, I'm sick of looking at. I need to find a new way to get scraps! Anybody want to swap scraps?

Jeanne said...

Your way of 'doing scrappy' is my most favorite quilt style of all!

Jeanne :)

Fiona said...

Hi Finn, I feel like I've just had a virtual hug. As always, I read your quilting philosophy and think, yes, that's just how I feel about it too!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun how something so simple can be so effective and made from fabric on hand? Carrying on the tradition of our foremothers using what we have on hand. That is why Joy's scrap quilts reminded me so much of you and your work.

Anonymous said...

I love your scrappy quilts Finn, I think scrappy is the way quilts should be.

sharon b said...

Finn you are such treasure. Love your words and your quilts. VBH..and VBS...

meggie said...

Love those quilts!

Susie said...

What a wonderful gift and how lucky you are to have a friend from you childhood.
I know she feels that hug when she wraps that quilt around her :)

Cher said...

I count myself as part of your fan club Finn-once I embraced scrap quilts, why, there was no looking back. Of course I still make "planned" quilts too-as I have so much yardage, I can do both ways LOL. this is another great quilt and I am certain your friend feels your warmth each time she looks at it or wraps it around herself.

Darcie said...

What a great story, Finn! A priceless exchange of treasures between good friends. Love the HUG QUILT idea! I'm certain she feels your warm friendship every time!

Isn't it amazing how we all have something different and interesting to share with each other...and we can appreciate each other's various talents...and help each other grow and learn. I love my blogging friends!

Hugs to you, Finn!

ForestJane said...

I like all your quilts you show... but I think I like even more all the stories behind them!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Finn, thank you so much for all of the rag rug instructions and for putting your photos on for us-you are great. All of your quilts look lovely and I love their stories, 'cos the story is the key...

Ann said...

Finn, you are such an inspiration. I love reading your stories, so in the future am going to make more of an effort to keep up with my reading blogs. Yours is definitely on my list of favorites! And, while I can't send you a quilt hug, I'm sending you a virtual hug! ((((((Finn)))))