and the birds are singing.....but we have quite a long ways to go. Here's my Thursday "snow report" picture. Just about ALL GONE! Our blizzard of 2 weeks ago is history. Libby asked where does the snow go as it melts. Well, since our
ground is frozen between 3 to 5 feet deep, most of the snow melt runs off. In the second picture, that dark stain across the intersection is from yesterdays thawing. If the ground is level, the water stands til the ground thaws. And of course, some of it evaporates and adds to the rain clouds.
The melt goes into the drainage systems and makes its way to the rivers. Plus it takes 10" of snow to make 1" of rain...LOL
This next picture isn't what I had in mind, but.....LOL I was watching The Waltons, and so was Ebby, from the comfort of laying on my new rug.. She looked so cute there, I got up to get the camera. She got up and followed me into the sewing room. So what I got to take was this one instead.That's one of her sheepskins
behind her, but anything new on the floor is better..*VBS* And one more doll quilt to share, made from left over 2" sqs. It's about 15" X 17".
I'm happy to say my busy day yesterday resulted in my getting the tax forms to the accountant, and got some needed work done on my car. The day was beautiful, sunny with a light breeze and temps up into the low 60's. Suppose to be like that again today, and I must do a bit in the garage...LOL...seems I've been bitten by the spring fever bug. I have the furnace turned down, and several windows open. The gold finches are fighting and breeding outside in the shrubs. And the sparrows didn't want to be left out, so they add their noisy chatter to the mix. We have a fun new blogger over at stop by and say "hi"....she's wild and crazy and pretty much completely liberated...*VBS* Lots of new people in blogland now, and I have had a chance to visit a few of them. It's hard to even remotely keep up with blog reading and commenting as the number grow larger and larger. I hope all of us will keep that in mind and not get our feeling hurt if there aren't as many comments as there use to be. After all, the more...the merrier and the more we can share and learn.
6 hours ago
Another beautiful doll quilt. And a sweet Ebby!
Oh no, Ebby and I are both out of the scrap bag, now! 'Wild and crazy and pretty much liberated'...Finn, you pick up on things way too fast! Thanks for the blog high're a sweetheart! Glad to hear that the snow is melting, the birds are singing and dear Finn has made another precious doll quilt! I am also partial to black cats...must be the wild woman in me;) Hide your broom, quick!
Oh, darling picture of Ebby; and your doll quilt is positively inspired, it's so pretty.
Send Spring up our way....We're ready!
Although officially in Spring and now on British Summer Time (ha!) it is still brrrr weather - ground frost this morning. Lovely picture of Ebby and I agree with you. Getting round Blogland takes ages these days.
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