of the childhood nursery rhyme, Three Blind Mice. You probably are wondering why...*VBS* Well, think back through the rhyme...."she cut off their tails with the carving knife, did you ever see such a sight in your life?"....yup, that's the part I remembered...did you ever see such a sight in your life???? And THIS is progress altho it doesn't look like it...LOL
It began back on May 2nd when my kids switched the bedrooms for me...by May 8th I was making slow progress. 14 days later, it really IS better, but the worst is just about at hand. Time to sort out each box, figuring out where the stuff in it will go. Obviously some is destined for disposal, some for the fabric stash in the walk in closet, and then their is the rest of it.
What I really need is about 5 days of no one inviting me for lunch, supper, dinner or shopping
Not sure that is going to happen, and for sure NOT this week. Jean wants to go shopping, I have things that need returning from my last shopping trip, lunch Thursday with friend Shorty, and visiting kids on Sat. or Sunday. So I guess I'm going to have to work overtime. Translated, that means "in the evenings" just like a working gal....hope I've got it in me...*VBS*
The raspy coughing spells haven't backed off completely, and now with the Advair stopped, I've begun having wheeze again. Should see the dr. and should called the optho. guy, as things are blurrier in my good eye. AND I need to do something with my hair...darn, a cut and a perm, but when??? Every day seems like I should be doing something else and so I don't call for an appointment. But when I do finally get this room all assembled..it's going to be SOOOOOOO
awesome! I have a corner(north window) for my easel, my painting-drawing supplies, etc. I have a wooden bookcase in that corner that will hold my art and travel book and miscellaneous stuff like that. It was a lucky find destined for the trash.
This white plastic bookcase will go out into the garage and be pressed into service.
And you probably should know that in the process of removing myself from the Maverick web ring, that step was the first towards moving myself into the 'next' part of my life. Quilts have been my passion for soooo many years, and will continue to be, but the Universe is pushing other things to the front, in my being, and I'm not at all sure I am really ready, but .... here I go anyway!
I hope I will never, never stop seeing things to do in fabric, primarily quilts. But being 'un-attached' to all expectations of me is what I need. I will keep journaling here, and I will continue to pull 'pieces' from my bag of scraps, as I have all along the way. The next time you see this room, it will be MUCH better...LOL Sieze the day everyone, do your own thing, with passion. Hugs, Finn
6 hours ago
It's the journey that counts now isn't it? What was that quote from Tolkien? "Not all who wander are lost." I love this because I wander (or dabble if you will) from one media to the next. Somehow, they all wind up in my quilting. Hugs.
Finn, you are so entertaining! And so popular - out to lunch, shopping, visitors coming in...
LOVED your goat story and matching wall quilt!
Don't work too hard, call the doctor, get your hair done (maybe while out shopping?)
But most of all, have fun!
I'm kind of on "pause" here, and seeking a new direction, too. Hope we can share our journeys!
Hugs ~ Jeanne :)
It'll all be worth it in the end Finn :o)
When I am stuck, or just don't seem to get 'things' done, I find that I've not listed them on my "To Do List. It seems if I plan on something, and get it down on paper, I actually DO it. And, sometimes I resist putting it on that list for some reason. Anyway, one of these days, or moments, you'll probably get a bee in your bonnet (oh mercy, so old-fashioned) and start moving, sorting, heaving, etc. Go easy on yourself.
Now, I have to make an appointment for a haircut! LOL
I understand about the looking worse before it looks better. I have a project or two that need that kind of attention -- but I'm taking a few days to relax myself. Can't wait to see the "new" room and the directions you go in.
That goose quilt is lovely -- and so is the story that goes with it!
think of the wonderful opportunity changing rooms has given you -- what an impetus to sort!
I had to laugh at your tales of being busy... my mother complains that not working outside the home has left her with more "work" since she must manage her own calendar on top of all the other appointments! :-)
As you know I love to read every word you write - you have such a wonderful way with words! And such a passion for life and everything in it. Sure wish I could come help you organize. Little steps will get you there for sure eventually and yes, it will be SO wonderful! I didn't know you painted and drew - I wonder how many other secrets there are that you've not shared yet!
I think I used to call it a "starving knife" LOL.
Ohhh yes....it does look like an adventure waiting to happen in there! When you are ready :c)
I can practically feel your creative mind at work . . . looking forward to seeing the results all this hard work *s*
Please take me with you into the next part of your life. What a journey it will be.
Look after you, Finn! Dont forget to 'serve yourself first'.
Your room is looking better.
Good luck with your new projects & directions.
One bite at a time, and before you know it, you'll have eaten that elephant!
Your room will be fabulous! Good for you to making the switch, despite all the work that goes along with that!
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