Well, it seems Blogger/Google isn't wanting images this a.m...o.k. Have a couple of words and I'll see if I can add the picture afterwards. Have we learned 'patience' yet???? *VBS*
It was so nice to read in comments that some of you share the love of old books and graphics from a simpler time. One of the pictures for today is a basic approach to showing children how to get a repeating pattern, or divide a design into equal sections of repeat. I was thinking about that while the scanned did it's 'thing'. What a gift to a young mind, the simplicity of 'divide and conquer' whether eating veggies or completing a chore. It must be something we didn't quite 'get' in grade school...LOL...think about what the "Clean Sweet" or "Mission Organization" teams are accomplishing for working families everywhere...*G* Where were they when I made this mess in my sewing studio????
The busy, busy, busy I referred to last evening which is the product of my 'sort, PURGE, organize' approach(to my life) is in direct reference to the work at hand in the studio. My life keeps sorting itself out from day to day. To 'see' the world in a grain of sand implies being open enough to that possibility. The possibility that grains of sand are building blocks, and where they might have come from. They certainly didn't fall from the sky....LOL
Tonya's sand in Egypt, and Sio's sand in England, Cher and Michele out on the Pacific Coast, Sprig in Texas, or my friend Libby in California.....does the grain of sand at their feet differ from mine here in WI? I don't think so...or at least not very much...sand is sand. It's what you might see in it, the possibilities. As I get computer time, I'll be adding some great links to newly begun quilters and bloggers. Lots of fun to places to pop in and say hello.
It’s a mess!
29 minutes ago
Regarding, Blogger not accepting graphics or photos, ... I use the browser Netscape for my 'regular' mail and surfing, whatever, but whenever I do my BLOGGING, I close out Netscape, turn OFF (in the tray) Kodak Easy Share (the photo images have already been saved to folders) and open Mozilla Firefox. Kodak Easy Share (my photo program) was ALWAYS causing things to lock up) Firefox browser is FREE, and never once, has it given me any agitation or refusal of duties. The format is slightly - only slightly different, but much more dependable. Netscape is so picky - and I've not used IE at all.
Just a thought -- it might work for you. I just HATED it when I had a bee in my bonnet ( !!! ) and felt I HAD to post it, then my incredible post and/or photo had to be put on hold for whatever technical reason. Takes all the fun out of it!
I love the idea of "divide and conqure"; the same idea as the wise words "many hands make light work". I think the message is starting to get through to my kids. :-)
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