I'm a bit under the weather(so to speak) today. Altho I had a nice time at the cookout and fireworks, there were unexpected consequences. I'm very smoke sensitive, due to chronic asthma. Smoke is one thing, but too much smoke and it becomes a different ball game.
I been having some 'smoke' difficulties off and on this summer. My new neighbor to the south is a smoker, and the summer wind brings alot of it my way if her windows and mine are both open. AND they've been burning brush and stumps north of me. The nearly-dead smoldering smoke
It was very humid with little to no wind Wenesday night.The smoke 'hung' a few feet above the ground and didn't move away.(Plus damp air is difficult for me to breathe.) The combination of cigarettes from guests and gunpower smoke did it's number, and altho I didn't spend ALL evening coughing, it became apparent that my lungs weren't handling the toxins nor was my blood being adequately oxygenated.
The result of that is nausea, confusion, sometimes unconsciousness, and extreme drowiness or sleeping. I hit all the levels except unconsciousness(as far as I know). Thursday a.m. I was up at 5, but back sleeping at 7 (til 9) andthen I was back in bed sleeping by 1 and slept til 4 p.m. I retired for the night at 10 and slept soundly til 7 this morning. Just a bit much! That plus not being able to eat or keep anything down is the pits. But all things considered, I'm lucky. It could have been much worse. The question of portable oxygen now comes into the picture, and I'm NOT happy about that, but it does make short work of what has taken more than 36 hours to begin to resolve. It's not the first time I've been in this position of smoke overdose, but it's been so long, I'd forgotten it can happen. And, of course, without the massive coughing you almost aren't aware you are in trouble til it's way past a safety point. Guess that's going to take care of future 4th of July parties. I'm feeling and thinking better today. Enough to run those(almost) straight lines of machine quilting....but I'm going to leave the bill writing for a different day..*VBS*
So sorry to hear you've been under the weather. bummer! That smoke can sneak up on you. Got to do what your body tells you to do to recover. Glad you are doing some quilting. Big Hugs, Katie
get that portable oxygen-why loose days getting better if you run into a problem again. Good to have it nearby just in case. I'm thinking of you and hoping you're well again soon. Do you have air filters and air conditioner? As much as you may not want to be closed up-it'll get get you breathing better faster. Sending hugs your way.
I can SO relate to your difficulties Finn! You have my condolences. Do you have an air conditioning unit you can run to help clear the air in your home environment? I sure could have used one after the Fourth!
I forgot to congratulate you on your double finish! And in spite of your health challenges too! I love both of the tops :- )
I used to be a smoker, & feel so guilty when I think of how thoughtless I was with smoke. Now I find, like you, any smoke affects me badly. A shame you are affected by your neighbour's smoke.
Hope you stay well.
Hope you feel better, Finn. Having the oxygen on hand sounds like a good idea.
Finn, sorry you aren't feeling well. The humid and damp air doesn't help I know. If the oxygen helps -- use it!
Hope you feel better. My Mom had chronic asthma/COPD and times like that were very hard on her as well. Take care.
Oh Finn! This is not a good thing! Sending lots of((( hugs))), good thoughts,prayer and healing energy your way. I am amazed you still managed to sew such a wonderful cheerful quilt under such challenging conditions! But, good for you!!!
Feel better soon please, we care about you!
scary, Finn. I hope you are feeling much much much better now.This is yet another vote for you getting a good air filter and using it!
Hi Finn! I hope by now you are back to being fit as a fiddle. LOVE the two quilts you pictured here! I am attempting a little doll quilt, and think of you often. Have a good weekend.
Hope your are feeling better this morning. I'd get the oxygen--can only help. Take care.
Hope you're recovering now Finn - don't those of us that it doesn't affect take being able to breathe easy for granted - guess you'll have to watch the fireworks from indoors in future (((hugs)))
Oh I do hope you are feeling much much better now. After a brief struggle with asthma due to mold in a house we quickly moved from, I know some of what you are feeling. Having the oxygen nearby is probably a good idea and surely will offer some peace of mind to know that you can recover yourself more quickly. Take care.
Oh, oh Finn--sounds like a close call for you. You can't do much about the smoking neighbor or the outside burning but the weather conditions were all conspiring with you. Who knew that fireworks would add to the problem?
I know how miserable it was when the smoke was blowing over from the Georgia-Florida forest/swamp fires recently and thinking how bad it must be for those that lived there since it was not nice this far away. I don't have asthma but it was hard for us to breathe too--chest feels a bit tight.
If you get a chance, pop on over to my place? I got one of the Ohio Star tops together and thought you might like to see it. I'm working on the "remainders" today.
Also meant to tell you that I found a bunch of odd blocks when I was on my cleaning binge last weekend. I may well have the starts of an orphaned quilt top or an bunch of mis-mash, LOL. Have to wait and see which it is.
Take care and I hope that you are feeling better.
I'm glad you're on the mend. That sounds like a scary episode. Both your quilts are lovely. Simple quilting sets these off the best.
oh my gosh Finn....how scary was that? I understand forgetting about how it can affect you- sounds like you have a good grasp of what to do next time...I hope you feel more yourself today!
Congratulations on your quilting finished. What a scary experience for you, I hope you're feeling better now.
*big hugs*
Your quilts are beautiful!
Congratulations on a double finish - that must feel so good.
I hope you will feel bettr soon.
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