Monday, August 13, 2007

Birthday Boy ~ Blocks in the mail...

My darling grandson is one year closer to grown up. It's hard to believe that 8 years ago today, on Friday the 13th, I watched him slid into the world. He's the only one of my grandchildren that I have had the priviledge of seeing born. He's special to me in soooo many ways, including that one...*VBS*
He was an adorable bouncy baby, and a real heart stealer with deep dimples and his Daddy's curls. He's 3 in the firetruck picture. I am not always blessed with new pictures since his mom and dad split up. This picture(2005-age 6) that my DS#3 snapped with my digital camera. I love it! He looks just like his Daddy *VBS*
I won't get to see him today, but I made sure my card and gift were at his Daddy's house last week, already and waiting for him to turn 8!The last picture is of the blocks I got in the mail on Saturday. Saturday's mail would still be in the mail box except for the fact I received a package, and the mailman brought everything to the door.
The blocks are from Michele whose blog is With Hearts and Hands, A quilting journey(see sidebar for link) for my Blog-a-versary and for the Orphan quilt *VBS* I love them and the gifts Michele!! Thank you soooo very much *VBS*
I'm not as stiff today, but I definitely have lots of aches and pains in the bruised places. I'm still taking it easy, but able to do a few things for a short time. Thanks for all the well wishes..*VBS* Hugs for all....


Libby said...

Happy Birthday to the little guy - sweet grandchildren are such a blessing *s*

meggie said...

Lovely Grandson! Sad you cant see him.
So sorry to read of your fall. It is frightening & can take a while to recover from, once we get a little er...more mature!

Michele Bilyeu said...

Happy Birthday to Dominic. Hugs to his mother, so she can appreciate the importance of love from as many people in a child's life as can be given. Great big (but gentle!) hugs to you, our dear Finn, so you can heal, in all ways, from your fall and from the loss of your weekend.

Quiltgranny said...

Hugs all around and soft ones for you so you can heal your bruises!

Elaine Adair said...

Handsome young man ... his smile looks a like the smile on the teddy bear. Are they related? LOL

How much I LOVED the snow photo! Whew, we just can't be satisfied, can we? We hit 105 today. No relief yet , in next few days.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

What a precious little boy, I'm sure he loved his gift from you. Take it easy, sorry to read about your fall.

Quilting Memories said...

Sorry about your fall, accidents do happen so take care of yourself.Ever think about getting yourself a nightlight? Seriously, hope each day finds you better and better.
Handsome grandson,love the pictures.
Like the blocks too.