Thursday, August 23, 2007


I wanted to say "hi" to Gloria Smith, who has been reading and left such a nice comment. Please don't ever hesitate to leave a comment if you want to, or drop me an email. My addy is listed under 'view complete profile'. It always thrills me when someone who isn't a blogger leaves a comment because THEY CAN. I deliberately have removed the feature that stops anonymous comments. That's the only way some people can say "hi"..*VBS* Consider yourself welcome here Gloria, and all of the rest of you too.
And...I wanted to say thank you for all the lovely comments about my make me blush. Same with the 'pride' thing. My parents weren't cruel, and maybe once they were "different", or kinder, but a lot of life happened to them very early in their marriage and when I was 15 months old. Coming up and out of the Depression years was a challenge financially. Add to that my maternal Grandmother coming to live with us.
My mom was 27, my Dad,31. She was destitute after the untimely death of my grandfather. She didn't drive nor work outside the home. My father took care of her. as part of our family. almost all the rest of her life. To have the family increase in size overnight was a cruel blow. He never said a word about it that I know of. That's the way it was with him...hardships all his life.
And I understand I wasn't an easy child. I was independent, unruly, unladylike, and a free spirit. I didn't like authority, altho I respected it. I usually argued about things, and I asked way too many questions. It's no wonder they lost interest in praising me, if they ever had any to begin with. My sister and I have talked about it, and she also doesn't remember being told she did a good job of things.
My only point in writing the post is to CLAIM my newly found pride in things I've accomplished...even a little thing like WTIL quilt tops..*VBS*
AND....that isn't all of my quilts. I have a regular photo album filled to overflowing with the ones I've remembered to take pictures of. That little journal is something "newly begun" pride in participating with Linda J's group. It's my very own special little book of accomplishment...*VBS*
And it has prompted me to begin a "scrapbook" of sorts, about my life and my stories. My talented DD#1 will be "teaching" me to scrapbook my project..*VBS* And I'm creating a Memories box. A place for the little things I've saved over the years that won't go into an album. And I'm going to make them pretty. Because I can..*VBS* And I'm proud of that.


Henrietta said...

The real pretty is inside and so far as I can see you are one of the prettiest people I have ever 'met'.

One little bone to pick, you said " ...even a little thing like WTIL quilt tops.." Those WTIL quilt tops are a very big deal indeed to the recipients!

Lastly I would point you towards Matthew 5:7 with the comment that the making of these tops is an act of corporal mercy giving comfort to those who have had very little comfort in their short lives.

I hope your aches and bruises are disappearing, be well my friend.

Michele Bilyeu said...

Our dear Finn was an independent, unruly, unladylike, free spirited child who didn't like authority and asked way too many questions? My goodness, woman, just look at you now! And just why do you think we all love you so much? You inspire us all to claim ourselves, Finn. That's what you do :)

Katie said...

Looking back and thinking. Ah, yes. Again we are doing the same thing. Your book will be wonderful. It is interesting how one thing leads to another. Enjoy.