and a page from my design notebook *VBS* I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted, sorry about that! It's been 'down into the deep freeze again' and I've been avoiding the big bedroom(aka sewing room).

A mug of tea and and old movies are what keep my 'nuts' from rattling these days *VBS* But spring will follow, eventually. One season turning into the next...the snow will go and the grass will brighten my window world once more. Until then...I just gotta keep busy!! I got a call from Betsy, last week. She wanted to make a tesselated T quilt for a friends new grandchild. Obviously his name begins with a T. She worked up this pattern a few years back for a nephew but couldn't remember how she got the tessalation. I knew I had drawn out one block of the pattern as I really liked her idea. Sooo many ideas, so little time...*VBS* But luckily I had saved it.

Just ignore the upper drawing, that's a different tesselation I've toyed with making. Betsy's funny little T square was drawn on a scrap of paper and eventually cut out and pasted in the notebook. The neat thing is that it doesn't matter what size block you make. This is basically a 9 patch, with the biggest HST taking up 2/3's. You could do it with 2.5, 3.5 or even 4.5" parts. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned I'm a "parts" person..LOL. That is what I look at when I look at quilts.**the picture will enlarge. And the parts that are looking white in the picture would actually be green also..who knows why I didn't finish coloring it...LOL**
This quilt gets laid out with all the blocks going the same way. The second color forms the other T(reversed, as with all tesselations). I think it's fun to see the positive/negative aspect of these quilts, and they don't all HAVE to be dificult to piece.
This isn't one that would work well scrappy, however, unless you are working with very similar scraps in each color.
There have been quite a few questions about the crocheted rug. Look on my sidebar under labels. There are quite a few posts about making them. And as I mention back in 2006, when I started, it's Darcie's idea. She's under Longarm Quilter and Hand Dyer under places to go.
For Terry, yes, you could use the selvedges you are saving. Use a slightly smaller hook as I did in my second rug, an I hook vs. the K I usually use. I didn't have a pattern just strips of fabric(I have found 1/2 to 3/4" works well) and I just 'winged it'. You may end up taking it out over and over til you 'get' the rhythm of the increasing. Darcie 'slips' her strips together, I sew mine and roll them into balls. I sew them "assorted" to get the really scrappy look of this newest rug. This is the 5th or 6th one I've done. Feel free to email me for more directions.
I've thought about a tutorial on doing the rug, but right now I don't have the time or the inclination. Another person who made one with my help is Angie at Threadcatcher....back in her earliest posts.
what a good friend to help her with the T's. your quirrel is pretty nutty.
great tessellation shapes! They can be so fun to work with :-)
I'm starting a rug myself, thanks you missy! lol I am not slipping or stitching, I tear all the way from selvage to about 3/4" from the opposite selvage. Then I snip an inch away from my tear and rip all the way back to the other end. A big zig-zag (read really big!) all one piece. It's working so far. Dh tried walking on it just to test it out, lol (it's 6" wide). I rip for a while then crochet it all up; then I rip again. My fabric is denim blue and the non-print is white. Gives me a 2 color rug without trying.
Those T's are going to be such fun! As for the going nutty part? Oh my, do I understand. Is this winter thing over with yet???
Poor you. I can't believe the weather you are having over there this winter. Make yourself a cuppa, snuggle up under a quilt and see if you can get Ebby to snuggle up with you.
"nuts from rattling", OMG you are so funny. Glad to hear from you. Stay warm.
Tessellations are fun. I really like the ones that aren't so complicated. There is still such great graphic appeal *s*
Love your design book.Think I left mine in Africa.Shame. Just catching up on your blog.Do love the broken dishes quilt.Your rug is looking great!Colleen adjusting from Africa
I'm sure that spring is just around the corner. Stay warm and stay well.
I've made the Tesselating Leaves pattern before. It's in a book of tesselation, plus it was published in QNM a couple yrs ago. IF you decide to make one, it helps tremendously to have a "cheat sheet" showing the placement of each color. I did mine with 30+ autumnal TOTs. 80
We're all a few nuts short of a bushel basket this time of year, Finn. I'm doing my 'potholder therapy' and others do whatever they need to. Old movies sound like my cup of tea for sure. Move over, I may come and join you ;)
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