And I figured it was time to change the header to something less 'drippy'.

Betsy and I basted this old flimsey on Thursday. It's a block of the month from the guild I used to belong to in Frederic, WI. The Mixed Sampler Quilt Guild. Our outgoing President did it as a challenge following her years in office. She was a newly retired RN, need I say more? *VBS*

A closer look at the upper section. I've debated whether or not it merits hand quilting, and decided it's a good size for my recliner, so I'll utility quilt it with perle cotton. In lots of bright colors *VBS*One more UFO bites the dust!

As the maverick I am, I didn't do the BOM house. Too convention for my taste and focus fabric, I made a "jungle Pad" instead. The animals seem to like it *S*

An orphan block from Betsy. She's been playing around with the bargello of
Bonnie at Quilville. Using 2" strips, she made up one block at a time, so each is different. She laid them out in a barn raising pattern, and it made me think about something similar from my
JulieQ Easter jellyroll. This block became an orphan when she eliminated yellowish cheddars from the top, focusing on red, magenta and teals.
this is from your old guild in Fredric WI????? I grew up in Trade Lake and attended grade and high school in Frederic!! My mouth was hanging open to read that small town name! Wow!
The quilt is sure colorful! I do beleive a child would love this with the exciting prints you have used in it.
have a good weekend!
amelia in Oklahoma
Very nice! I tend to think of brights with black, but they're great with white, too. Such a fun quilt!
What a fun quilt - love the bright colors. You sure are moving right along finishing up all these quilts!!
That is one bright quilt. I am anxious to see your quilting. I have not tried quilting with pearl cotton - to be honest I don't know what pearl cotton is. I guess I need to make a trip to Hobby Lobby tomorrow and check it out - oops, Hobby Lobby not open tomorrow. So, would I find pearl cotton with the threads or embroidery stuff when Hobby Lobby is open?
I am with Teresa......tell us more about the perle cotton. I have tied quilts with it but never quilted with it. Do you need a big needle because of the eye and the tread thickness? Tell us more, dear teacher, our Finn!
Inquiring minds need to know...........especially this sponge in my head!
you quilt looks good Finn.......will be fun to quilt using different colour threads.....
love the bright colors. how big is the top, you didnt say.
wow, you're just whippin' right thru them
It may be gloomy outside, but what a "happy" quilt you're working on inside.... Beautiful, great colors...
Hi Finn, what great colors, and I love the white with these brights. I also love your idea of hand quilting with perle cotton. You could use several colors and it will look great.
what a happy quilt! it will quilt up nicely too.
Now *that's* my kind of quilt! Love those brights!
Your orphan quilt top turned out fabulous too. Loved the addition of the paper pieced houses :- )
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