on a sunny Wednesday. I've been playing the 'fool's pup' today, getting very little done and having a good time doing it *VBS* Accomplishments? A shower, one load of laundry, some pieces cut to size, a few more than a few, sewn. Oh, and I made a kettle of a chunky turkey hot dish. Yup, we call it "hot dish" here in WI also. I browned a sweet, mild onion in EVOO, add part of a pound of fresh ground turkey from our famous Turkey Store. When the turkey lost it's pink, I chopped in several stalks of celery, and one medium zuchinni...large chunks on both. At that point you could add almost anything you wanted to, but I opted for a can(just one cause there IS only me after all) of diced tomatoes. Stirred it well, and let it simmer til the veggies were tender but chewy. I then added about a cup(give or take)of frozen cooked rice from the freezer. Once it was thawed and stirred in, it took up the small amount of juice from those tomatoes. I had a very late lunch....about 3:15 to be exact, and am ready to pronounce the "hot dish" as tasty and filling without being fattening.And there you have it. Even with that modest amount of raw materials, I'll be eating this for about 6 meals! Don't know if it would freeze or not.And I've been thinking about a baby quilt for the new little grandchild coming in mid July. I've had this 'one' started for a couple of years now. I loved making the 16 patch center...didn't love how putzy it is to add the squares to the top and bottom pieces and have them match up. Another 3 or 4 blocks and I'll have a 3 X 4 set...that should do the trick for Grandson #11???????
And I've been thinking alot about doll quilts again. Maybe we are all having way too much fun making these little quilts, but why not??? I love them, and was thinking about this particular picture in the Little Quilts book.
Way back when I had decided to I really wanted to make this one in particular. I think I have enough repro pinks now that I can manage it. And thanks to my friend Vera, at KC Quilter, I also have a nice selection of indigo blues *VBS*
It’s a mess!
1 hour ago
I tagged you, but if you aren't interested, just ignore it!
That will be a great baby quilt for NUMBER 1 Grand daughter.....got to think POSITIVE, dear Finn!
That's a great quilt for your grandchild! I've always loved that pattern, but I like it even more with the background fabric you have. I've always seen just plain white.
That will be a wonderful quilt for your next grandchild - and I love the little doll quilts you show - how inspiring!!!
I love the 16 patch blocks, especailly how they look like they are actually two seperate bright blocks on a lighter one! Very cool!
That is a great baby quilt with such wonderful colors. But instead of starting something new, I have 2 baggies full of possible baby quilt blocks. What will I show when I run out of baggies??? Hah, VBS, it will not happen in this lifetime.
Lovely blocks for the baby quilt. I like the look of the blocks on point.
I love that block and it will make the perfect baby quilt. The picture is great with the doll quilts. I may need to display mine in a similar way!
oh, oh, oh, do they know it is a boy??? hoping for a girl is the best way to get a boy...
either way, I love the 16-square blocks! so fresh and swwet, perfect for a grandchild.
You are a master at perfecting the "scrappy look"
That quilt is so sweet. I'm so into minis and doll size right now-that doll quilt at the end is gorgeous. Little quilts this size are like peanuts-you can't have just one and they are nearly instant gratification. Lots of fun and not a lot of space needed for them. I'm stuck on my bigger ones right now because I have no place to lay them out. My back can't handle basting on the floor anymore. Have fun with your furry friend.
gorgeous blocks!!! grandson number 11 will love it! yup, we grew up on hot dish's too! so did the family in MN.
a tasty meal Finn-thanks for sharing the recipe. those blocks will go together and make a lovely quilt for the upcoming grandson.
I am happy to hear how you are enjoying these doll quilts-it will fun to see how yours turns out.
The 16-patch blocks look like Chiclets. http://thecalicocat.blogspot.com/
I *love* quilts made with that pattern! I bet that baby quilt will be TOO cute!!
oops! that url should be:
I love those blocks! They will make a lovely baby quilt for snuggling.... 8-)
Hi Finn
I understand the dilemma of eating the same meal for a week - it's very hard to cook for one person, isn't it? I love the little quilts too. I have a few books as well and keep looking in them, but end up starting queen sized quilts all the time. I've made one dolls quilt top for me, but I haven't quilted it, and I've made one for a swap, so I need to make some more.
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