Paris is the setting, but the crusade is worldwide....will you join us?
Our friend and sister blogger,
Tonya, has been pestering AQS(American Quilters Society) to consider republishing Gwen Marston's book "Liberated Quiltmaking". It's been out of print for awhile and is difficult, but not impossible to find. If you have even the slightest 'leaning' towards quilt liberation, link right over to Tonya's blog,
Lazy Gal Quilting, and leave a comment. She is reporting to AQS how many responses she gets. If enough quilters want to own Gwen's book, AQS will consider re-publishing it. I don't know how many they will publish, so don't hesitate to get YOUR name to them. And do read BOTH of Tonya's posts about "Liberated Quilting" and why you would want to own it! It's the foundation that supports the newer Collaborative Quilting she published with Freddy Moran.
I have nearly all of Gwen's books, having been a fan of hers since the 1980 when she only made traditional quilts. There is much to love and much to learn from Gwen and her quilts. Soooo, are you hearing the chorus of "Les Mis" in your ears yet?? Rise up and march with us...lets hear the quilters roar......
thanks for posting this, Finn. One clarification. Don't pester AQS, just leave a comment on Tonya's blog (that's me) or if you can't figure that out, send ME an email. cheers.
Great idea Finn and Tonya. I've been and "signed up" on Tonya's site. I hear so many people talk about this book!
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