...a quiet summer day in the Valley, except for an influx of crows. They seem to have adopted our little corner of the world and are letting everyone know they are here.

The day is quiet, except for them. I hear the wind chimes off in the distance, the breeze ruffles the curtains and the world seems peaceful. I'll enjoy that while I can *VBS* More hand quilting last evening, another block quilted. The quilt is a Guild Sampler from a few years back. It's an odd size and I've put off quilting it because of that. But I like it, so it's getting quilted. Better late than never, I guess.

I have been given this award by several of you. I am very honored and touched that you find my blog(and me *VBS*)to your liking. The award calls for more response than that, and I will, I promise. Maybe tomorrow. I working my way back to being centered again. And I do need that very much. Thank you all for the very kind messages left in the last post. *VBS*

Road trip today. It wasn't this road, altho I wish it had been. I treked to Menomonie, and the highway leading there is being resurfaced. It's missing completely in places(read driving on gravel) and there are about a million "flagman ahead" signs. Some with real flagmen, and some to just leave you wondering. No dr. appointments this week, but after 3 weeks, I really needed quite a few things from the grocery store. We have a small Super Valu here in the Valley, and I'm very grateful we do. Survival however, these days, depends on how resourceful you are and cleverness helps. At least for those of us on a fixed income.
It doesn't take a lot of groceries for one person, but you can't really live on 'not much' or even on love, for that matter...LOL. So I got groceries and also dropped off several bags at Goodwill. The larder if full and the hallway is empty...*VBS* It's a good day!
I don't like driving on roads that are under construction...makes my patience almost expire.... glad to hear groceries are purchased and you got rid of "old treasures" at Goodwill...who knows they might end up down here in Oklahoma and I would buy them. Now that would be funny.
Take care - enjoy life by laughing, eating chocolate and being thankful for all the blessings in life.
it is good to re-connect with the wider world once in a while -- though not too frequently! :-) Hope you're able to anjoy the crows, I know some find them an utter nuisance, but I must say I think they are rather elegant in those nice black "suits", calling out to one another about where the best trinkets are for their girl back home :-)
Belated congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! A girl! Woohoo!
I remember those two seasons in Michigan: snow removal and road repair/construction. So much fun (not!).
I've been having kind of an off week as well. Hopefully, for both of us, it will soon come to an end. Best wishes to you and yours :- )
So glad your working your way back to being centered - enjoy the drive! We too have lots of roadwork in Ohio - hate it with a passion!
ahhh the seasons of Wisconsin,
winter and road construction.
hang in there! Those grandbabies are just adorable!!
I"m glad you're getting centered, I"m having a hard time just staying "cockeyed" and not falling over, so almost centered would be quite an improvement.
ah, hand quilting..sounds good Finn-and stocking up the larder is important...hugs
At least you can please yourself waht you choose for your pantry!LOL.
Be kind to yourself, & enjoy relaxing.
Loving the wonderful gifts you sent me. Finn happiness is a very good thing! Warnings on all of the award games we love to play, though. I did a whole post on this one. It's called a 'digital virus'...something that starts out as one thing, meant to honor certain people and then mutates totally against it's original purpose.
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