potatoes, that is *VBS* Yup.....

it has been a Fried Potatoes kind of day! Since I had some of this years little red potatoes, I endulged myself! *VBS* I'm a happy camper now!!

Abit of new fabric in my stash. DD#1 brought me a couple of backing lengths when she visited last week. She loves to shop for fabric *VBS*, she's caught THAT bug, but is still not interested in sewing or quilting. What can I say? I accept her fabric offerings in exchange for baby quilts for her friends *VBS*

A new quilt book at Betsy's house, and she lent it to me awhile back. All the quilts use the sew and flip corner method, which is pretty simple, but it's fun to look at. In the comments on my last post, someone commented that they thought I lived alone. I DO. The getting of the kidlet, into a new place to live, meant getting him out of the shared apartment he was in with a significant other in his life. I had high hopes for that particular gal as she seemed quite down to earth and 'real'. But something has transpired, I know not what. Just that he wanted and needed to move. She is moving also, but back home to her Dad's house. I think $$$$ might have been part of the problem. Anyway, he's moved and mostly settled, now the waiting begins. Waiting to see if "this" will work, this time.
And regarding quilting preferences, I have used Gutterman and Mettler thread, but come back to C & C. I wonder if the fraying that one of you mentioned with one of those brands might be from cutting too much length. Every inch gets pulled through, every stitch. I can see how thread would tend to fray. It's not a problem with C&C because it's got that waxy surface. And Vera, I think, mentioned how the stitches look on the back of the quilt? What I have found is that for quilting comfort as well as good stitch control, "sag" your quilt once it's positioned in the hoop. Get all the surfaces flat and smooth, then loosen the wing nut, and gently push down in the center. Just a tat! All you want is a little "dished" impression. If everything is very taut, you are actually pulling the 3 layers apart, ever so slightly. The relaxed poosition of a "sagged" center allows for better needle control. This doesn't apply to embroidery because embroidery is just through one layer, unless it's your basted quilt you are embroidering.

Last, but not least, my gorgeous teenage granddaughter showing off her cooking skills in the camper. The kids are off to Lake Superior for camping again this weekend. If I'm not mistaken, that's Jiffy Pop she's got there....LOL. I didn't know that still existed!
Oh those fried "taters" looked so good. I don't fix them very often (Husband's heath) but when I do - we enjoy them so much.
I agreen on the way the quilt/batting/backing is in the hoop when hand quilting. It must be find of floppy like...get smaller and more precise stitches that way.
Take care....
Pan fried potatoes! After opening with that, how could you expect me to concentrate on anything else? ;)
Mmmmm - potatoes - fried, just the way I like 'em. Oh who am I kidding, I like 'em any old way they come *s*
I love all the hand quilting tips - you just never know what little nugget of information will sink into my brain and stick *s*
As a life long embroiderer, I had a hard time learning to allow my quilt to 'sag' My first quilts were pulled tight as a drum and stab stitched from top to bottom and side to side. Honestly the stitches don't look bad, but good heavens that took a long time.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that your young'un does well in his new environment.
Ah! Kidlet situation explained.... I hope he does well...
I gotta get my hand-quilting going again... 8-)
Jiffy Pop Popcorn! Yup! I still exists! My kids had burnt many a pkg when we camped when they were youngins! 8-)
ongoing thing with some "kids"- hope this time it works out for the long term! mmmm! fried potatoes..nothing beats their taste. fabulous fabrics- your daughter shares my taste. lucky you to be on the receiving end of that.
I love your blog. I am new to this, it's tons of fun. When I saw your post on another blog I knew I had to visit you. I love scrappy quilts. Then seeing the fried potatoes and the jiffy pop in a camper we must be kindred spirits.
I just have to know. Did you add some onions to those fried potatoes? Cause if you did I'm gonna have to come over and sample them. Just to be sure you did it right. I'm sure you did and I want to be able to tell you how good they are. Blessings, marlene
Camping and stitching and Taters,,oh my!!
I always love your blog! but this one made my mouth water, my nickname was Spud when I was pregnant!
You hit all my favorites time!
Sometimes you just have to have some carbs and grease, no matter what the doctor says! Makes me hungry. Have a good one!
What's better than pototo's? Not much I must say... well you know, if you don't have a microwave handi jiffy pop is one of the next best things... Although, good ole pop it yourself in the pan w/a little oil is pretty much as good as it gets! Hmmm, unless we are talking carmel corn... oh, now I got myself salavating all over the keyboard..... better go get a rag... slurppppp! That's better! LoL
Those Friday Fries look yummy! My grandma used to make them like that. I'm going to make some for myself this weekend.
I remember Jiffy Pop popcorn. I didn't know they still made it!
I just posted my "secret" to making nicely cooked pan fried potaotes.
One of my favorite I SPY prints was of a dragon making Jiffy Pop pop corn - I sure hope that I still have a charm or two of that fabric...
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