on a sunny, but cool, Saturday. I'm happy to report at nearly ALL the mounds of piled up snow have melted. At least in my little corner of WI. It rained for awhile last evening, but so far it's too cool for any greening to take place. The maple sap run is doing well this spring....warm days and cool nights, that's what it takes. Betsy and Joe are busy tapping their maple trees.

Here is that mound of culled fabric that I confessed to yesterday *VBS* It looks like a lot, even to me. Or maybe, especially to me...I'm going to be cutting it up!! Much of it could have been cut up and been more useful over the past years of its imprisonment, in my stash. But....I have this problem. I buy what I like, or am attracted to, and then often fail to know what to do with it. Must be I have a true scrapbag heart, because I have NO problem combining scraps, or using them. But give me a yardage and I stand there and wonder what in the world will I do with this???? Well, I've become enlightened. Using that basket of scraps and strips from Betsy week before last did it! My string blocks looks sooo much better for the addition of her odds and ends. Why? Because they were brighter, for one thing. And because it created more visual impact. Thus it occurred to me, I needed MUCH more variety in my bins of scraps and what better to do than cut up some stash!

Here are part of today's cuttings. This pile, plus a few more yet to be cut, eliminates one whole stack in my stash...a pile of cowboy prints. They have been waiting to become a cowboy quilt for the past 10 yrs or so...enough already...they shall be come a Strippy quilt. I'm going to try one in 3.5" strips this time. Isn't it amazing how we continue to learn and grow even in later life???

Have you seen this little beauty???? It's an Orphan Block journal cover made by Vivian. She's a new rider on the Orphan Train. She has a newly begun blog,
Bronx Quilter. Pop over to the Orphan Train and check out her pictures. I'm not sure if she's posted them to her blog or not, as yet. They will enlarge with a click. Another great use for the odd bits, and as personal and individual as a quilter can be. I think they are wonderful Vivian *VBS*
It's nice to see someone is having spring. We are supposed to get 55 cms. of snow over the next week. That's almost 2 feet!!!
Have a super day.
My problem is I am afraid to cut the fabric, what if I needed it in a different size, that is why I have yards and yards of fabric!!
Well we still have snow in my little corner of Wisconsin, not alot but you know all those dirty little piles here and there, that is what we have left. YUCK. WOW, you are ambitious. Wish I was that brave to cut up stuff from my stash, I am a true scrappy quilter but you know what, when I do a scrappy quilt I still have to buy fabric because I can't use my scraps, I MIGHT NEED THEM FOR SOMETHING IMPORTANT SOME DAY!!!! LOL. Sound familiar? I just about died when I saw you were cutting up cowboy fabric, I COLLECT IT. Have a WHOLE BOX FULL, what I am going to do with it, I have NO CLUE but I could NEVER CUT IT UP. I LOVE THAT JOURNAL COVER, I might just have to go check out that blog. And I agree, throw someone else's scraps in and it makes a whole lot of difference, color and print is pretty personal I think. Can't wait to see some of your finished blocks, especially the cowboy blocks. :)
morning Finn! it's so true, bright scraps make any scrappy quilt sing.
have fun cutting away and I will look forward to seeing your cowboy strippy quilt. enjoy the day.
What a stash...I am sure you can come up with lots of great projects for those!
It is beginning to get warmer here and the days are longer. You have a great idea to start cutting up your stash for your scrap quilts. Great way to be frugal and use up your loved fabrics.
Great fabric purchases you made at Mill Ends! I hope to get to the one in Fargo in April sometime!!! 8-)
Love Vivian's Journal cover made with the orphaned block! Very eye catching! 8-)
I think I will follow your lead soon with the strip cutting of some of my stash...mainly my FQs! 8-)
Hope all is well!
Happy stitchings!
Oh, the things we have in common! I buy fabrics I like and then don't use them because I LIKE them and don't want them to go away! I've recently decided to start making "souvenir blocks" for myself so I can keep those prints around but put the rest of it to good use in quilts for others ;- )
I also know the dilemma you spoke of in a previous post: Finn vs Sylvia. Interesting phenomenon eh?
I loved the variety of the culled fabrics. I am all for adding some spice to your stripping!
Weather here? VERY windy and expecting a blizzard in a few hours. People come in and say "it's arrived at XXX," or "it's gotten as far as xxx," .. sounds like they're talking about the plague or invading enemy troops! LOL We really need the moisture, so we DO hope we get snow, but NOT at 60 MPH!!!
I DO like that journal cover. We all have those blocks sitting around unused, and it doesn't take a lot of my brain cells to put one together but yet, I've not made one yet. Procrastination? Not sure.
besides I always find that other peoples scraps are just so much more fun, because they are all NEW to me! I agree about cutting up yardage. must be the frugal nature coming out, I feel that I should save it for when I really NEED it. ;-)
It is amazing how many times I take a close look at someone else's stash, & I cannot see one fabric that I have?
I love the bright lady bug fabric, & have some similar, but no, not the same, on close inspection.
As always some fascinating posts Finn, I have been catching up!.
Hey Finn.
Our snow is gone too! Yippee! Love your fabric, good for you for cutting up that cute yardage.
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