And in the best "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" tradition, I'm thinking about the season and we slide towards autumnal equinox next week. June came and went, and we are approaching the second time of equal night and day.

Altho pesky, squirrels are wise creatures. Nature has built in the need to gather and store things. Which leads me to think about how many quilts I "have or have not" finished this year. The number is quite small.

Disappointed with my slow progress, I have been thinking about last years UFO Challenge. I pledged to finish up 5 UFO by New Years Eve. I made that promise on August 24th. 72 of you joined with me, and we finished up a total of 256 UFOs! I managed to get 15 done, passing my goal of 5! But.....

I still have many that I didn't get around to, plus the new ones I begun this year.

So I'm going to challenge myself(and YOU) to a New Years Eve UFO goal once more. I'm sure with ongoing "One Project A Month" challenge, there won't be as many of us playing along. But I'm going to set it up anyway, even if it's only me *VBS* If you are interested in coming along for the ride, just leave a comment or email me at Last year we had 4 months and 7 days til New Years Eve. This year we have fewer days, but it still is 3 months and 13 days and that's enough for some progress I think *VBS*
Ah, Finn, there will always be UFOs. Life's too short not to start new ventures and sample new fabric sometimes....
ok, I'm in!
count me in for 3 big projects and 3 small projects...eek! I better get a move on!
love all your scrappiness!
I'll join you. Let's see, I'll go for 7 UFO's finished. I hope it's a lot more. This will be my first time joining. Hugs..
Well, I'll join in again this year although I'm going to cheat and only commit to finishing Christmas presents. I have 6 planned but one is already finished so my goal is actually five. And my deadline is Dec 27th since that's the date for our family to gather.
You can count on me. I'll do 6. Thanks for the motivation and also for your kind comment yesterday.
I just never can tell how many days off I will have...but I am going to try too!! Thank you, Finn, for doing this...
This will be a challenge for me that is sure, but I'm in. So, as I understand it I will finish 3+ UFOs before Jaa 1, 2010, yes?
Count me in for 5; I would love to have the extra motivation to get rid of some UFOs!
How does this work; do we send you a notice when a project is done or put it on our bogs or...?
Seems that Fall has come all too quickly this year... The squirrels are stashing their nuts, and I am stashing my fabrics... 8-)
Wonderful quilt photos here, and in your post before this one. I laughed when I read that your son's sleeping partner has 4 legs!!! Great morning mist and sunrise photos too...
I don't think I shall sign up for your challenge this time Finn, all though I would really like to. I've been so unmotivated in my sewing room this past 4 months that I shouldn't promise anything to anyone, but hopefully I can get something done before the new year...
Happy stitchings! 8-)
Just had to drop in and see what you've been up to! Glad to see things seem to be going ok. Think of you often!
I would love to play along - at this point I'm not even sure which box (or boxes *s*) hold the UFO's, but this might be just the incentive I need to find them. I'll commit to one finish for now . . . I still have to find some cooking utensils. That Hubby likes dinner.
Finn, what a great idea. Just the inspiration I need to check some of those boxes in the basement for a UFO. I'll only commit to one finish for now . . . . but you never know what will happen *s*
I'll join in again this year. I know I have at least 3 QOV tops that need quilting.
I'll be cheering from the sidelines!
I keep trying to finish my stuff. It's such a temptation to start more than I can finish
I am new to this post--I came for a visit by way of Libby--I will join the "party"--In August I did a Christmas challenge and I can think of at least 6 tops for quilts and wall hangings that need finishing for the holidays--so that;s my goal!!! Happy stitching to us all==hugs, just, Di
I wont join you, but I will cheer from the sidelines!!
Hi, I'm a bit behind the times, but if I still may I would like to join your challenge again this year.
I'll just say 1 project as my sewing time seems to have diminished. Anything more will be a bonus.
Thanks for the inspiration! I hope I'm not too late to join. I selected 8 of my UFOs to finish.
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