Another bout of below zero weather, wind chills predicted to be in the minus 50 range by morning, and snow. Yes, those are snow flakes. It's not the program that adds snow to your blog! I have NO need of that one!!! I did hit the 'lighten' button to make the snow whitel.

Here's what it looks like with the 'lighten' added. I stuck my nose and camera out the door at 8 a.m. this morning. This is the snow that "began in the gloaming, and steadily all the night, covering the fields and forests, with a blanket thick and white". Strange how I remember that particular phrase from a poem learned long year ago *VBS*

And here's a little trip down memory lane with an unexpected happy ending(for me)...it doesn' take much. This is Baby A, last March, age one month. I haven't seen her, or pictures since.
But using my very clever brain and extra smart 'thinking cap', I did a tiny bit of exploring(online)last evening, and this is what I found...*VBS* Not sure when it would have been taken, but that doesn't matter to me. She will be one in February.
Oh, gosh, Finn -- are you sending that weather over my way, in Michigan?
This morning I see something in the air that is NOT "lake effect" snow (the nice fluffy stuff that doesn't last a day). This is smaller and driving down.
Well, we'll just HAVE TO stay indoors and sew, won't we?
Cute baby - my granddaughter will be one in Feb also.
It is cold here too - some snow left on the ground from the big snow we had at Christmas - but nothing to compare to what you guys are getting...that temperature make me colder just to read it on your post. Stay in the house - don't wander out at all.
We are at -29C and down to -42C with the windchill. Tonight-31C so it's dang cold here too. I hear spring is on the way, yet I'm not convinced. We still have another 3 months of this weather. Stay warm friend.
What a cutie!! Hugs
Look at those blue eyes! Adorable, Finn.
Lots of new snow around Madison today -- always makes me think of a poem too: "The sun that brief December day/rose cheerless over skies of grey" -- my grandmother used to recite Snowbound by Whittier -- the whole very long poem from memory!
Well Finn, we're getting some of that snow, but it's not nearly that cold (thank goodness). Hope you have enough groceries to see you through.
Well, I guess I will stop grumbling about our deep freeze down here in the South (well, stop for a little while, I guess). At least we aren't getting snow even though they predicted some. Stay in and stay warm.
Its cold here in Mississippi too...we have a fire going and the heat turned up. And I am very glad that I finished several of my UFO's. Have plenty of cover. Hope you can keep warm..and I am continuing...to try and complete at least one ufo a month until you start the next challenge that is! Thanks for motivating me.
I won't tell you what the weather is here in SoCalif...it might make you jealous!
Baby A is adorable with her bright blue eyes and gummy grin. She looks healthy and cared for. Happy Birthday to her!
What a cutey!
Hunker down and get some quilting done since that weather of yours is not looking too good for going out and about. Our snow is light and fluffy (the sweeping kind) and it comes in spurts - nothing major so far.
Darling picture. Hope you stay warm quilting.
Go figure! I'm in Alaska and you're way colder than we are!!!1
Love your detective work, you smart woman you. Where there's a will (and lots love) there's a way!!!
Your little GD is very bonnie & pretty now!! What a lovely pic.
Hugs Finnxx
Baby A is adorable!
Hey, where'd you get the green grass with those bare trees in your header????
I have the utmost empathy for all the folks dealing with the cold and the snow in the midwest right now. Been there, done that, don't care to do it ever again! Fortunately quilters know how to stay warm! (I'll keep my fingers crossed that your power doesn't go out though.)
Great snow photos Finn!!
That little sweetie is looking even more so a little sweetie! What bright eyes and a cute smile... Good detective work Grandma! 8-)
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