Now, that I'm back in Oregon...I'm facing the late winter blues, so I'm doing my very best to NOT go into the cave and pull the winter covers over my head.
I had such a challenging time in Juneau and breaking my wrist and having the first surgery of my life ...all alone...was not even the hardest part!
But now, I'm biting the bullet, hanging onto my seam ripper, taking needle in hand..well, you get it...and and I...we are going to sew.
So drag out those darn scraps and join me! I don't care what we make, what we do. We're Liberated Quilters with capital letters and as my Cajun French mama says: "IT DON MATTA!!!!!"
We're taking all the little weirdos and unloveds and loving the heck out of them from now on.
So, get your scrap bag, dump it out on the floor by your sewing machine, take its photo, post it and.....
Sew lady, sew!!!

It's a long way to Tipperary, a long way, I know...but if you can manage that first step, and then the next,....maybe you'll make it. Saturday was "bumpy" with interruptions, more "life keeps happening" problems and an invitation for tea and warm homemade bread...which I accepted. Sunday began slow, still no new pictures to share, but a couple of small bins, boxes or bags were emptied. It got better as the day went began to flow. Ebby joined me in the sewing room, curling up in a favortie chair, which has been empty for several months now. The light was good, the day quiet, and an interesting book to listen to on CD...I made progress. I hung it up to watch The Amazing Race, feeling I had made alot of progress. No particular project, and maybe nothing in particular will come from my two days effort, but it felt good to have once again, sewed. And so I send my heartfelt thanks and love, along with a big hug to Michele, for reaching out on Saturday, and to Julie, for reaching out last week and stirring my creative fire to flame once again! And to all of you who have written, wondered and asked, where was I? You are all quite amazing friends. Hugs for all, Finn
Oh, good! so glad you are finding a way back to your sewing machine.
I've missed you!
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. It's always great when friends reach out, isn't it?
Hey Liberated Quilter!
This is so weird. I have been thinking about you a lot and have been worried too. Been sending you telepathic messages telling you to get off your butt and sew and sew and sew.
Obviously, Michele, you and I are all on the same telepathic wave length cos she picked up my thought waves and sent them, with hers, on to you.
Sooooo glad you are okay and that you both have survived what has been a really tough winter.
Big hugs
So happy you were able to get a few sewn scraps together. You do such wonderful stuff. Hopefully with spring will come new energy. Glad you have such good friends to cheer you on. I still need to get my rear in gear and send off those orphans.
I'm so glad you're back, Finn; looks like you have lots of fun stitching ahead whenever you're up for it.
Sewing is such wonderful therapy. Glad you've found your way back again!
As the song from "Jungle Book" says...... ahem.... "We're your friends..... we're your friends....
we're your friends til the bitterrrr endddddd! You need to find that one... it's cute! Or just find the DVD of The Jungle Book... if that doesn't start the toe tapping and sewing machine juices flowing... I don't know what will! Glad your back at it!!!
If I can sew with stitches in my finger... anyone can sew! Find something... there is always someone out there worse off then we are! Smile... you have friends that love you... 4 legged ones too!
You bet, woman! We're flying now! I sewed so much, my wrist was yelling at me and I just told it that it was having physical therapy of the very best heartfelt kind...sewing with someone you love..even long distance. Doesn't get any better than that. You did it, Finn..and so did I.... and we will keep on, keeping on. No caves for us. Just sewing room havens!!!!
Just looking at your scrap piles lifted my spirits and I know by your very act of doing, you're lifting up others right this minute!
Winter blues begone!!!!! Sewing circles unite!
Sometimes running some scraps thought the machine is therapeutic...glad you are back!
Nice to see you back quilting again Finn- Michele is one terrific lady and I feel fortunate to count her as a blogging friend. We all need people who inspire us and make us want to do something we love to do, but have got distracted by other things in life. Love your blocks - hope spring is arriving in your neck of the woods and that you continue to enjoy the joy of building new creations.
Warmest regards,
Quilters make the best friends, don't they? Glad to hear you are sewing, and most of all, you had a good time!!
Hey Finnie!! I love your blocks and scrappy! I am so glad to read this post!
This crazy quilter is so qlad to see you post. Keep throwing those scraps around . It will get better..Hugs to you always.
Happy to see color of a different and more familiar sort on your blog, Finn! Fantastic to hear your sewing machine humming all the way across the country. I thought it was the boys playing in the street outside, but no, it was your needle going up and down!
Muddling Through said "Sewing is such wonderful therapy". I think using up scraps is wonderful therapy. Makes me want to use up more of what I have.
Yay! It's so good to see you "back in the saddle." I'm glad your zest is returning and that you've found a way to re-enter the creative world.
Yes, I did wonder where you've been and I'm glad to see you are back. Take care, keep busy and Happy Easter.
So glad to see that you are back playing with your scraps and fabrics again. For me, I plug away at something all the time, otherwise my hands and mind will just cramp right up .... and that is not a good thing!
Oh Finn, it's the story of my life--a bumpy road! Sewing and friends help keep me sane, I think
I have really missed your posts. Glad you and the sewing machine have re-united. Looking forward to the NEXT post.
I have really missed your posts. Glad you and the sewing machine have re-united. Looking forward to the NEXT post.
fabulous Finn! and what a great friend you have! I need to do that too, but I have so many things I NEED to finish...... and I just get crazy!
You have been very quirt this last while Finn! I guess it was your turn... Glad you've come out from under the covers some... Nice Spring weather is on its way... 8-)
It is so wonderful to meet another Scrap lover!!!
So glad to know your sewing machine is humming again. Ebby is happy to find her favorite chair again I am sure. We are all glad to know you are okay. Remember Spring is just around the corner, or is it already here? Keep smiling and keep sewing.
Hi again Finn...Your second picture down here, did you use dryer sheets for your foundation for the scraps? I did a quilt that looked just like the dimensions of your stip quilt here and I used old dryer sheets I had ironed to make the vertical stips! :)
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