Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Leaning towards Orphan...

Another way I've used my scraps of flannel. Left over 9 patches, 4 patches, etc. Pieced a few stars to go with them and made this all flannel couch potato quilt for grandson # 2 of 9.. Machine pieced/ hand quilted with perle cotton, unbound in this picture. 2003

I call it Pieces, Points and Possibilities.

1 comment:

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Oooh, I LOVE this! And it is interesting in a very good way! I know what you mean completely! What was the phrase you used? I'll think of it every time I see "nearly perfect" quilts anymore....they have "technical merit" ?? something like that? I'll have to go read you again, I love it!!

Yes, it is very fun to play, and sometimes we just need to let ourselves color outside the lines :c)
