Monday, March 20, 2006

The backing...flour sacks, rough version, not pretty. Totally utility....making do. I was very moved by this top I had bought. I sat and thought about it as I finished quilting whatever came before it. About the woman, about what her circumstances might have been. I firmly believe that we, as quilters, step forward each generation on the footprints of what came before us. Maybe I believe you can't really know where you are going, or why, if you don't know where you've come from. And so I chose to use these very coarse flour sacks and a wool batt for this quilt top. The sacks were sold in some local store for .99 each. They are fairly good sized, I think it took 4 of them and some "bits" to make the backing. The sack says "Pillsbury" Southern King Patent XXXX. Higher up you can see what is probably Arabic.And in very small print at the top, in faded blue, it says "For Export", and then some kind of a customs type stamp. But what the bags say isn't of that much importance. I felt they were in keeping with the "flavor" of this particular top. It's soooooo a utility quilt, such a "make do", I wanted nothing to distract from the top itself. In hind sight, once it was quilted and bound, I realized that this top probably NEVER would have been hand quilted. Maybe, but probably not. And that's ok too, as I stepped from the footprint of the maker into my footprint, as the quilter., adding my bit to it's completion.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I think you've really done this quilt top justice - the backing is perfect and the quilting is gorgeous. You have a real treasure there.

Patty said...

The backing is perfect ! It continues the quilts story. You should print out what you wrote about this quilt and attatch it somehow so the musings will become part of its art form.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Utility quilts are my favorite - and that is a great backing!

Holly said...

Love the backing you chose and especially love your thoughts on this. The quilt took on a life of it's own as I read.

Maggie Ann said...

Those are interesting thoughts. Its hard to imagine a time when flour sacks were so utilized and now we overflow with luxeries easily obtained...thinking of fabric etc. You did a great job of it and thought provoking to. Every time I use the word provoking I delete it, it brings to mind how frustrated I can feel when guessed it...when provoked. Am I kidding or what here...*vbs*