Sunday, March 05, 2006

This is the finished block, ready to join into rows. Works for me, and I'll have one less UFO in the basket..*S* Oh yes, even tho it doesn't look square in the picture, trust me, it is..*G* Posted by Picasa


Lucy said...

Cute !!! this is so cute :c)

Patti said...

Very nice solution to a UFO problem! Someone will love this quilt. I know what you mean about "colors that aren't yours". Have you seen Sharon Craig's books "Setting Solutions" and "Great Sets"? These are two incredible books that shows you how to take "sow's ear blocks" and make "silk purses" from them. One of the amazing thing is how she takes a set of blocks that are definitely a certain color or colors, and puts them in a setting that makes them look like they are totally different colors!

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Good day...I just thought I'd come over to see what you've been up to and I can see what an improvement you've done with adding those triangles. Looks good. Can't wait to see what the finished quilt will look like. Hugs.

Linda (Petey) said...

So proud of you...with lemons make lemonade and share generously with others! Pretty.

Lily Mulholland said...

Finn I'm still learning about how different colours can change a whole quilt. Wow what a difference those extra triangles make! This will turn out to be quite a pretty quilt - someone will love it completely! Well done - the creative genius is alive on the weekends!

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

What a great idea to stretch those blocks into a bigger size.

Once again, totally scrappy and totally wonderful!



Patty said...

looks really good with the added triangles.

Nancy said...

I love the addition of the triangles. They totally change the look of the blocks. This will make a really cute little quilt.

Laura said...

Finn I need you to turn my UFO's into something gorgeous! LOL You have done a great job here. What a good idea adding the triangles. It is going to be a really pretty quilt when you are done that someone would love to have!