Thursday, April 13, 2006

April showers bring the first signs of spring to my part of WI. We had one of those sudden spring showers yesterday afternoon. I was sewing, enjoying the day at my north facing window, and suddenly the sky went dark, a few drops hit the window, and then it was like a typhoon.Sheets of rain blasted the side of the house with unexpected fury. It lasted maybe 5 minutes, and then the sun came out again..*S* But it was enough to begin the greening of the lawn. This is a far cry from the pictures we are seeing on other blogs of the spring blooms and swimming pools ( Hi's the water?). Posted by Picasa


Tracey said...

Oh aren't a-kidding about everyone else being green...but US! ;o) Our buds are just out but not open yet. However....I see by your Weather Pixie that you are at 81 degrees!!! got us beat! ENJOY!

Peggy said...

Have the flowers and heat but my grass is still brown!

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I'm about 3 weeks behind Susan of Patchwork Reflections...things are just beginning to green leaves on trees yet, but they're trying.
It was 84ยบ today with an overnight shower. Everyone's flox is blooming here for the last 3 days and the redbud trees. I also saw tulips today.

What a joy to see the arrival of GREEN.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh you have green grass! Ours is still a greyish brown!