Saturday, April 22, 2006

A cool and about to be rainy Saturday in my part of Wi. This is an older workshop project, and one I actually finished. The block is called Prairie Queen, a shoo fly type with 4 patches filled in. What you can't tell from the picture is that it is framed. You piece the block. Then using a border fabric(ala Jinny Beyer) you cut something for a narrow border strip. The block is only quilted out to the edge of the block. The narrow border and wider navy border just lay against the batting. A appropiate size stretcher boards frame is used, and padded with quilt batt.That extra batt makes the outer border puff up higher than the quilted center. It's pulled quite tight and stapled or thumb tacked down. It makes a nice wall hanging. The block is 6", so finished up like this I'd say it's about 11" square. If you look close you can see that I cross hatch quilted the part that needed it, about a 1" grid. I probably should have snapped a pic of the back...LOL Posted by Picasa


Judy said...

I like it. I need to think more about doing little small wall pieces now and then.

I've never thought about doing something like that on a stretcher. I've never even seen one done like that. I did learn the other day about how to frame blocks. A lady showed how to make minatures and then *sew* them to the mat board for framing with the spacers so it wouldn't touch the glass. I had no idea that there were so many rules!

ForestJane said...

I really DO want to see a picture of the back. :)

Maggie Ann said...

Very pretty, I like the color combinations you do.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I like this mini project. What fun!