Sunday, April 30, 2006

Some Sunday Sunshine, in the form of the daffodil..*VBS* I had lunch and stitching with Betsy on Friday. It was her baking day, so we had fresh homemade bread and butter, and it was as good as a feast. She machine quilted in the afternoon, and I hand quilted on a wallhanging that is nearly done. When it was time to go, she sent me off with some portable sunshine..*VBS* I highly recommend it !! I tossed the recently finished quilt top over the tv for the picture..can't have that flash glare now, can we??? Posted by Picasa


dot said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Quilting with your friend, eating fresh baked hot bread with butter melting on it. Were you in heaven for a few hours. What a treasure to have a friend who you can spend such precious moments with.

Melzie said...

Sounds like a picture perfect day Finn! xoxo melzie

ForestJane said...

Ooops, now I see it's a wallhanging. I have a bad habit of backing up to the first post I haven't seen (vewing the pictures as I scroll) then reading my way up. :)

Those flowers are so perfect they don't look real. I gave up on bringing any flowers inside. For some reason, flower-vase-water must have a better flavor than either toilet bowl water OR the water that's left out in the cat bowls.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

You are so blessed Finn to have a hobby that you can share with so many friends. Your day with your friend quilting and eating hot homemade bread & butter sounds yummmmy *S* and the daffs are beautiful. Thanks for the pictures of both your beauties.

Ann said...

Fresh baked bread and butter IS a feast in my book! And the daffodils do look like sunshine!

Linda C said...

So the daffodils are finally out up "north"? Those almost look like they are made out of spun sugar or molded chocolate or something. Oops can you tell I need to get some breakfast?

Sounds like you had a perfect day with your pal Betsy.

Katie said...

Interesting that the sunshine was shining on my tulips yesterday. See my blog. VBS Nothing is as cheerful and inspiring as these spring flowers!

Quiltgranny said...

They always make you smile, don't they, when you see those bright happy Daffie faces? And homemade bread and butter? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Cher said...

woohoo, another quilt for wrap'em...way to crank it out Finn!
love the flowers...and spending time with Betsy plus being gifted those gorgeous flowers-what a perfect day..oh yum, freshly baked bread. doesn't get any better.

Judy said...

Oh, you are making me so jealous with those beautiful flowers. I planted over 400 tuplis and daffodils in my mom's yard where we lived for 5 years... and now in my second floor condo I got Zilch. Nada. I miss them.

The quilt pattern is called Aunt Betty's Attic. No Aunt Betty for me! It was in the McCalls magazine some time ago. I actually saw one a reader sent in and went looking for the pattern on their site. In the pattern they call the blocks "whirly gigs"

Go figure??!!

Hunter said...

What beautiful daffodils.

I'm missing my roses and my daffodils that I had in my yard in California. I think I'll have to make a flower quilt. :)

Thank you for sharing Finn. I'm off to fire up my bread machine.


Tracey said... can't help but have a smile on your face with those little beauties around. How nice of your friend to send you home with a full belly AND those pretty flowers. :o)

Granny said...

Sounds like you had a fun time! Love the flowers!

Judy L.

Lily Mulholland said...

Oh yes Daffodils always brighten up a day :)

We have some that I must plant out in our garden. They're still suffering in pots, the poor things.

Hmmmmm yummmmmy fresh bread with butter. Oh how delicious!!! My mouth is watering just drooling - I mean thinking - about it!!

Peggy said...

just popping in to say hi. Love the wallhanging but I love all your quilt pieces.

Laurie said...

Just checking in to say HI FINN!!! Thanks for the sunshine! ;)

Darcie said...

A good friend...sewing and quilting...some bright, sunny flowers...and homemade bread and butter. What a beautiful day, Finn! Good for you! Wish I lived closer.

Melzie said...

hey there Finn, where you at, you havent posted in a while and I miss ya! Hope all is ok, xoxo melzie

Maggie Ann said...

Oh the beauty of springtime! and the joy of finishing such a lovely quilt! I out for the can spoil a good shot quickly.