Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thanks for all the nice compliments you gals left for me regarding this block. Some of you said you were planning on using this idea for a kids quilt(which is what I'm doing). I wanted to suggest that if you are going to make it, that you pop over to Linda J's at and see her EQ picture, and maybe by now some of her blocks. She gets ALL the credit for this one...LOL..I just happen to see it late Sunday evening and got excited to make some. It's totally NOT my idea.....and it's possible that Linda has a different cutting and layout method than I please give her great blog a look-see, she really does make incredible scrap quilts. She's also a whiz at quilt block names and coming up with new ideas...*VBS* What I found with this block is that the pointy parts are a bit more fussy than the four patches, so I am running up all the 4 patches at one marathon sew, and then picking something to be the background of the pointy parts and adding them to 2 of the sides, again as a "one" sew. Actually when I look at the block, you really wouldn't need to use lights in the center..could be 16 scrappy squares that look well together. Posted by Picasa


Jeanne said...

Ah, more nice scrappy inspiration! I have a stack of crumb blocks -- I wonder how these points would look on them? Hmmm ...
Jeanne :)

Lily Mulholland said...

What a great idea for a kids quilt. Dang it though - I need a rectangular quilt, not square!!

Hunter said...

Love that little bunny in your square. :)


ForestJane said...

And of course, you made me want to do this block too... :)

Put it in EQ, so I could play with the block sizes, I think I've decided on a 12½ inch square block. What size is the one you made?


Judy said...

I went to the site you provided and it's a great blog. I really liked their blocks too. I actually agree with you that I think keeping the inner blocks either medium or darker..or just darker than whatever you choose for the outside "background" would enhance the outer boundaries of the "square". I noticed in some of their blocks that they did just that.

Either way it's a cool block.

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Peek-a-boo - I see a bunny! Any child is sure to love your quilts finn - you have so many GREAT kids prints! Nice block - I like 16 patches.

