Sunday, April 09, 2006

These stars, which appear to end the quilt, are actually the beginning. This is the kind of piecing Betsy did way back at the beginning. I met Betsy by agreeing to help baste a quilt for the SIL of another friend. Betsy was the SIL, and had just taken a class and pieced an Ohio star quilt, in navy and pink, if you can believe that. I still tease her about that quilt. She's come a very, very long ways since I met her in the 1980's. As I said, the quilt is a history lesson of sorts...*VBS* Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Lily Mulholland said...

Finn I think you're being a little hard on Betsy. Pink and Navy were HUGE in the 80s!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing this quilt with us. It's lovely and made with love. Laughing still that you have to take it outside to photograph it. Let's hope you have a still day soon. We can't have it blowing away!