Monday, May 29, 2006

Another day, another quilt top. Right in the middle of every thing I have to finish.Really good friends of my DD#1 , have just taken home a newborn, to be adopted, their 3rd child. She is named Kailie, and of course she needs a quilt. I whipped up this top,40" X 45", in the past day and a half. I need to get it pinned into the frame and tied. Kailie has a big brother, Nick, age 4, and Rose, who just turned one. After a very long wait for a child, L & A has gotten all three in just 4 years. Rose and kailie are from the same Mom. I think their cup runneth over...*VBS* And of course I have an extra soft spot for adopted children......go figure..*S* Posted by Picasa


Patti said...

What a neat block. Almost as simple as rail fence but very different looking. I'll have to remember this one.

Laurie said...

What a cute block! And EASY!! Thanks for sharing!

Hunter said...

What a sweet quilt.


Unknown said...

Simple quilts are just the most effective and real life savers when you need something in double quick time - and I just love that baby in a napkin fabric

dot said...

What a neat quilt for a new baby. What a lucky family to receive a newly adopted baby. I have made this pattern before, it is a fun quilt to make. You are such a dear to do this for others.

Anonymous said...

Adopted babies are such joys. Bless you for making this special quilt.

Lily Mulholland said...

Far out Finn - oh my goodness you are fast :) What kind of quilting are you going to do? Stitchintheditch or outline those cute cherubs?

Vicky said...

Such a beautiful quilt, and for such a happy occasion! I love it!


Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh Kailie is so lucky to get this quilt and how lucky/wonderful for your DD friends!