heart or gentle yawns that remind us to seek a place of slumber, that's how it happens. We rarely fall "instantly" asleep, altho at time we get woken up that way. Lying in bed, waiting for sleep to find me, a perfect time for thinking about things. I was thinking about night...last evening. Did you ever think about how many "kinds" of nights there are? And how many way we describe the "event" of night? The dictonary describe the noun "night", as the daily period of darkness between sunset and sunrise. A time of darkness, and also obscurity, depression or death. If I'm talking to you, I might say "call me tonight". It wouldn't be poetic or romantic or obscure. But when I think about night, that's another whole story. In winter you'd find that stepping outside would take you into a world of crisp, clear darkness, with pinpoints of light in the arch of the sky, all of them sparkling and shedding light. Or it might be you step out into a soft caressing, cool darkness, with no sharpness anywhere, but soft shadows that blur into patches of light. Where you can't tell exactly where something begins and where it ends. Or it might be a very dark, damp night with fingers of ground fog sliding in around you, confusing your journey.
But the chances are good it could be a drippy, misty, rainy night with all the lights blurring as the rain drops shatter the patterns of light...and the sky is dark, with no stars in sight. Or a moonlit night, where darkness and illumination seem to be battling for dominance. I love all the "it came upon a midnight clear" nights, but equally as much, I love the soft warm almost touching your skin quality of a summer night. Like the caress from loved ones hand.
And do you also find that each particular "period of darkness from sundown to sunrise" has a specific smell as well? There is something in that elusive quality called "darkness" for all the senses. So remember to use them ALL when you step outside to see what the night has to offer in your corner of the world.
Taste is the hardest, but all the others are right there...every night...like a prize in a box of crackerjacks.
I never heard of the beauties of nighttime extolled quite this way. You said it beautifully! I know the maker of the nights personally and I'm not surprised they are so beautful, so wondrous. =)
I too love the night. I work at night and often go outside on my break just to stand there and feel it. Sometimes I wish I could live al my life at night, but I know that wouldnt work. I feel more at peace at night when it is dark and quiet.
Here in FL I take Kipper out on a lease into the "night" and it is so nice to feel the darkness every evening. A chore has become a treasure. Mother nature gives us food for our spirits if we just take time to feel it.
Finn you express the night so beautifully. Living where there is a cover of fog that comes in as the sunsets much of the year, the stars are a treat for me. Finding the Big Dipper or watching the moon as it moves across the sky. The quiet of night is so peaceful -- a time to reflect and release the tensions of the day.
Kipper is not really "leased" out. Oh what the fingers do when I'm not watching them. LOL
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