cabinet. I only have "special" angels since I got my Christmas Angel 39 years ago, Dec. 21st. I don't collect angels, they seem to collect me. I do, however, collect(or gather) the bottle brush trees. The snow flake angel is from a friend, the seated angel was given to my by one of my grandsons, CJ. It has a special story. DS#2 brought CJ to my house one day in August. It was very close to the anniversary of CJ's brothers death. CJ wanted to put some things on Jacob's grave. He was going on 6 at that time. We had lunch at the local deli and gift shop, Granny's. After we ate, CJ picked out a birthday balloon attached to a pail and shovel, and a small seated angel draped in blue. At the cash register he was told the angel was part of a set and didn't he want all 3 So three is was. He was quiet in the car on the way to the cemetary, and once we were there, my DS was having trouble telling him about Jacob. So I sat down on the grass with him and I asked him if he had questions. He did. Very quietly and gently I told him about Jacob coming into our world, and it being too soon for him to stay. I told him each person that is born, comes for a reason. Some of us are destined to stay a long time, and for others the time is short. I have pictures taken at the hospital, and told him I would share them when he was just a bit older. Sitting there, he put the balloons on the headstome, and then sat with the 3 angels in his lap. After a few minutes, he handed me the one draped in pink, and said he wanted me to have it. He gave the one in blue to Jacob and told me that the one in white was his. It would remind him of both me and of Jacob. So you see, it's a very special angel. The one on the right is ceramic bell. It came to me from a very, very dear friend who lost her life to ALS. She and her sister were both my friends, and I was touched to receive one of Dar's angels.
The larger bottle tree is 5" high, and with base is 7". The small one, which is semi-older, is a 1" tree. With it's base, it's 1.5". I know the minature shops sell this small size now, 4 or 6 in a package, for doll houses. My eye is feeling some better this a.m. The skin on and around the eye is "parched" from temp. and the eye drops. I decided that if I greased it well, with Vasoline, it might not hurt as much, and sure enough, it worked. Some of the redness is gone, but it's still pretty awful looking. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers, I am grateful...*VBS*

What a brave and caring grandson you have. Glad your eye is feeling better, Finn.
Sheesh Finn no making melzie cry allowed! :*) What a sweet story about the trio of angels, priceless for sure. xoxo melzie
Sheesh Finn no making melzie cry allowed! :*) What a sweet story about the trio of angels, priceless for sure. xoxo melzie
Sheesh Finn no making melzie cry allowed! :*) What a sweet story about the trio of angels, priceless for sure. xoxo melzie
Sheesh Finn no making melzie cry allowed! :*) What a sweet story about the trio of angels, priceless for sure. xoxo melzie
What a wonderfully sweet story Finn. Your little guy is a treasure.
Glad to hear your eye is feeling better today. Here's to continued improvement.
I agree a very sweet story! Sorry the eye is still so raw, but feeling better is good. Quick recovery!
What a wonderful story about your grandson and the angel. Yes it is a special angel indeed. :-)
I'm so glad your eye is feeling a bit better.
What a touching story about your grandson.
Your angels are beautiful in two ways, for their appearance and for what they represent.
Hope your eyes feel better soon
Ok! you have a humble pardon from a Jewish Girl, but you really did not need one. Your angle story is very touching and you have a great grandson.
For some reason the blogger did not take my correction spelling for "angel" It must be because I am jewish and have no idea what I am talking about when it comes to Christmas angels.
Opps!!!!! blogger would not let correct my spelling error for "angel". Oh well what does a jewish girl know about Christmas Angels. But I sure know about angles.
What a precious story about the angel and your grandson. Hope your eye continues to improve.
Such a beautiful angel story :-)
Beautiful angels and beautiful, but sad, stories to go with them.
I get eye allergies. I have found some fantastic eye drops which do not need a prescription. If you PM me your address I'll pop some in the post to you after Christmas.
Hi Finn, Lovely story to go with the Angels. Sad but glad you shared it.
I hope your poor eye recovers.
Life lessons to our grandchildren can't all be happy. I'm so glad you were there to help with one so sad.
What a touching story of angels. You were blessed to be able to have that teaching moment with CJ. I'm sure it was made somewhat easier hearing it from Grandma..
Hope your eye feels better each day
Your stories always make me smile and today is no exception. It's always hard to explain death to a child, especially the death of another child. You did a perfect job.
I'm glad to hear your eye is doing better.
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