and all they have in common is that they are all from my bag of scraps. Nearly all of what I create is, you know..*VBS* The first little quilt was made about a year ago. It has lain in a pile of UFO...the problem? I think the outer border is too wide. Betsy says it's not. I think it over powers the quilt. Shall I cut it narrower? Probably not a dolly quilt for children..just a little quilt from play time. I used to make a lot of those, but have gotten away from it until lately. I had forgotton how much fun it is to make little quilts..*S*
Second picture is of some piecing. It's an idea I am trying. I think almost every one has seen the directions for that curved piece border that was around 4 or 5

years ago?? Well I took a few of my 1.5" strips, and made a band. Then I cut one of the border curves, fit it the strip and sewed it down. What I'm thinking of doing is entending that curve piece to turn these two combined items into a square block vs. a 3 or 4" border. Or I could cut the string section longer and go square from that side. Time will tell.
It's a lovely 46 degree day already, here in WI...sunshine and lots of melting snow. I've errands to run today, a gift certificate to use by the 15th and of course I'd rather be sewing! Our nice weather is suppose to be gone after tomorrow, so I'd better run today.
Finn, I agree with you. it's a bit too wide and overwhelms your cute little piece! give it a whack!!
I love how you play around with fabric!
How nice for little girls to enjoy a quilt for their dollies! The pictures on the fabric are entertaining, and who knows, where those seeds may sprout on down the road - a quilter perhaps?
The gold finches have swarmed the feeder this AM. Today is almost 75 degrees, windows are open, and this is hopefully coming your way! Yeah spring!
How about taking off just a tad---maybe 3/4 inch all around? What are you going to bind it with?? That will suck up another 1/4 inch as well and if not the same dark color it would look a bit more narrowed.
I think the border is just fine. Makes me think of a little quilt from the early 1800's - they had wide borders on them also. I didn't find it overpowering at all, but I see i'm in the minority.
The inner section just sparkles! How about running some of those scrappy squares out to each corner from the ones in the inner border. If you do that, the dimensions used by those squares will determine the width of the outer border.
I liked the wide also. Please show us what you decide. Nellie's idea sounded good too.
Finn, you are soooo creative! Love the curved piece and looking forward to see what you do with it. Enjoy the warm 46 degree day!
~patchwork reflections
~memories in a jar
The wide border looks fine to me - a nice frame for the little pieces in the center.
lots of opinions on that border width..guess you have to decide what you really like Finn. what a fun curved piece on those strings...looking forward to seeing what that grows up to be!
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