just what a sewer and a quilter loves...possibilities! A selection of burp cloths. The finished size is 9.5"-10" wide, length 18 or 19". There are very few directions

and no rules..*VBS* I make them from flannel, and it certainly doesn't have to be the HIGH end kind. I've been making these for about 6 years now, and find they make a nice baby shower gift. Or for the grandchild of a friend..*VBS* I usually make a dozen.
You need a fat quarter of soft flannel for each. I usually buy baby and kid flannel by the yard. You get 6 cloths from 1.5 yds. For the demo I used a left over half yard piece. Straighten your edges and then split the half yard on the fold line. You now have a

piece that is about 20" wide by 18-19" long.

Fold right sides together and stitch around 3 sides if you are using a folded piece like this. If not, and you've mis-matched the two sides, which is neat for using up 9 & 10" left overs, then you would sew all 4 sides, leaving about a 3" opening somewhere so you can turn it right side out. Turn right side out and give it a shake.

Pick out the corners(you know what that means, right?) and then press the rectangle so it's smooth. Tuck in the little part where you've turned it. Top stitch around the 4 sides..LESS than the 1/4" seam or you won't catch the opening. No reason to close that by hand when the top stitch will do it for you. I make my stitching about 1/8" from the edge. You could use decorative stitching is you have that on your machine. Hearts or vines would look neat. Back to the ironing board, and fold in half across the 9" way. Press

really well so there is a crease. Then stitch from side to side across that 9". What that seam does is gives something that will rest well on your shoulder while you are burping baby. I've left a thread so you an see the stitching line across the blue ducks. It should enlarge if you need it to.
I do a batch of these at a time, it's easier to cut several rather than just one or two. I chain press them, and chain sew them, etc, etc, etc. OK..that's it for burp cloths!
Can someone tell me what I am suppose to put in that blank Link box below where we type our title???? Would that give me(?)you(?) a link back to somewhere?????
Aren't those handy for the momma to use? I can see where that would be a nice shower gift for momma, grandma etc.
I think you are referring to the blank box that is used for post labels? I believe that is for helping with a search of your blog or anyone else's? Like if I were looking for the burp cloth tutorial a month from now, it would come in handy.
TY for posting abouthow you make yoru burp cloths!!! I know what I am going to be looking for when I go to the "going-out-of-business-sale" at Hancocks - flannel for these burp cloths!!! :)
My husband and I are expecting twins in early June so I should be able to get a dozen made before then :) When I do get them made I'll share photos on my blog and link back to yours! ;) ~Bonnie in SE Texas
Looks like a great way to use up my old baby flannels-surprise for you on my blog today, Cheers, tracey Congrats on the cute grandy!
Oh, Finn, thank you so much for telling us how you make burp cloths. My dear friend just found out she is going to be "granny" for the first time and a stack of those would be a wonderful congratulations gift!!! I will be checking my stash for flannels this morning--or better yet, checking the fabric store!
Thank goodness for sewers with common sense ideas like you, Finn! I used to make dozens of these in the 'baby' days. Now, I know where all of my bits and pieces of flannel can go. When I get in one of my 'wild woman, over 50 with rotary cutter in hand' days, I shall cut out stacks and stacks of burp cloths for a 'hope chest' for the future! I can have them on hand and pass them out like party favors, right along with the cloth diapers and changing pads! The last baby shower I brought cloth diapers too, along with a quilt of course, the new 'mama-to-be' stared at me like I had given her the plague! I wonder if burp cloths create the same blank stare, nowadays? I just love them, love all of the re-usables, re-cyclables, homemades. Move over Al Gore, I am on my 'homemade is better' pedestal with Finn, now!!!!
Oh, I'll pass this along, my friend has a grandbaby on the way. I love tutorials dear Finn....oh do I ever! Thank you...
My Mom made up lots of those for all of her grandbabies. They're wonderful. When I see parents using tissue or a napkin...I just cringe. The flannel is so very soft for baby skin...and absorbs lots.
Hope you find out about the link thing. I'm so illiterate...just know what I have to. ;-)
Now that is just downright spiffy. Thanks for sharing a great tutorial. If I were a smart gal (sometimes I wonder*s*) I would make up a bunch and have them on hand for the time a gift need arises.
oh! wish I had known about this when Alice was younger! very clever!
What a great idea, and so easy to make. Am going to make several to have on hand for gifts also. Thanks
Hiya Finn,
The box is for you to put a few words that best describe your post - so, if you wanted to see some ideas for the storm at sea block, if anyone had blogged about it AND put 'storm at sea' as a link, you could easily google it and pull up the most recent posts where someone was 'storming'.
If you google heartstrings, or search blogs for it, you will find a bunch of stuff. :)
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