in that order. I have hesitated about a week , from saying anything about being 'tagged' as a Thinking Blogger. Tagged several times over the past week, by gals that I care about, respect and whose blogs I read. If not every day, at least often. And they are frequent reader of my blog. I feel extremely honored and humble that they find value in my words. Oh, the pictures too, but mostly the words I think *S*. Words are my friends. I love words. The roll off my tongue in loveliness like 'gollywog' and 'cove' and 'rising'. I like most words, but understand that foul language isn't my cup of tea unless it's the 'fowl' kind..*G* I also like chickens.. But....back to the
topic. I've hesitated because I don't read blogs to make me think. Thinking is often a result of what I have read on your blog. But I came there to visit YOU, to speak your name, to see what you are "up to" that day, to let you know I care that you are a part of blogland. I did not come to make the quilt you are making and if I do, it will be a scrappy version of myself, not you. The very bottom line regarding Pieces from my scrapbag is that it is MY BLOG. That means I speak MY truth, doubts, hopes, fears, dreams and
disappointments. You may get 'silly ol bear' at time, and Fantastic Finn at others. Sometimes no one is here but Sylvia and Finn is out playing. You'll get my Looney Tunes self and my Old Wise Woman self. And you'll get memories, lots and lots of them. Because I have a lot. And I think a lot, and process a lot.
And, in case you forgot, I like words....a lot!!(At this point my sister is saying"enough a lots"....LOL O.K. Pony Girl, I hear ya..*VBS* Back to the AWARD idea. We all realize that its dual
purpose(and less humanitarian side) is set those site counters clicking. Thats why one of the rules is you have to link back to the orginal Thinking Blog. You can do that from so many places now, in our quilting world, you don't need links here. I see a couple of others, like myself, aren't going to follow the rules. Did you REALLY think a maverick would follow rules set down my a mere man thinker?? Well, that part is up to you..*G* While you are reading my blog or my comments on yours, you can be sure that I'll tell you to make the quilts that 'move or inspire' you
your own way. I beliveto the core of my being... you need to make quilts that satify your heart. Make burp cloths the way I instucted(if you want to) but make your quilts your own way, not mine. Tonya R. has been wonderful in her tutorials and directions and help with learning to piece in a wonky manner. But I think I know Tonya well enough to say that she dosn't want you to make HER quilts. It's a work method that she offers us. Pick that up and go from there, if it's something that turns you on. And THAT is ALL I have to say about THAT!!!!!! And today's pictures? Yes, they've been on my blog during the 20 months and 850+ posts. But they 'came a callin' today because NOT one of them is part of anything anybody else showed me, or told me about or told me to do a certain way. They are EXACTLY what I wanted to do with those(leftover) blocks and fabrics. And recently, I realized(again, Tonya...I know...again) that I have been letting tunes from other drummers infilitrate my mind. Time to turn that OFF! So one more time, I humbly thank you, dear friends, for the many 'tags'. It's awesome! Hugs all around, Finn
8 hours ago
Finn Writes: "I speak MY truth, doubts, hopes, fears, dreams and disappointments. You may get 'silly ol bear' at times, and Fantastic Finn at others. Sometimes no one is here but Sylvia and Finn is out playing. You'll get my Looney Tunes self and my Old Wise Woman self."
I like this, I like this ALOT. Can I borrow it? :D
You GO girl! I like having you be part of my day ... both my reading you and you reading me. Our cyber world is a busy and friendly place. I'm glad to have met you there/here.
I'm enjoying the pictures that you have shared today, but I am reallly LOVING the words that you wrote today. I agree with the whole idea of making the quilt be YOU, not the designer. Nothing used to irk me more when I worked in a fabric store than the customers who came in with a picture of a quilt from a magazine and said "I'm making this quilt, I need THESE fabrics". I'd try to explain that yeah, those fabrics look great, but why not pick fabrics that speak to YOU, that reflect YOU. Somehow I never got anywhere with that. Sigh. But three cheers for you for making the point, I think that on your blog, you are preaching to the choir in that respect.
Oh, would it be possible for you to share a bigger picture that is on the couch in the background of the two little girls with the friendship stars???
Oh I love those quilts, but a few are especially wonderful to me. And your words are so wonderful - but they always are!
Love all those wonderful individual quilts. They take me on journies, just as your words do!
That's right - mavericks! That's why I tagged people who are "inspirational" to me and didn't bother with the little silver or gold award. After all, I don't read blogs so they'll make me think - I already think WAY too much at times thank you! I read blogs to be inspired, and you do that for me every day.
Another well written piece. Kudos to you for being a maverick. I know that's why I like reading your blog.
PS - Keep going on the clean up. It's looking good!
Amen Amen & Amen!! I loved this post so much. You are a kindred spirit!!
I love your quilts, and the way you write.. I'm so happy to know you!
Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I read often but just figured out what I had to do to post on your blog. I am soooo happy you posted this quilt again. I just love this quilt. I was just thinking about it yesterday and here it is today. Thank=you. I must say this in one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen.
Finn; you're my hero! *VBG*
I just blogged something along the same lines but you are sooo much more eloquent! (((hugs)))
just found you and added you to bloglines. Like the pics and the thoughts. Keep it up.
we often need to remind ourselves - again- to do our own thing...walk our own path-it's great to have you along for company Finn!
Oh, Finn, I just love this quilt.. You are such a treasure and encouragement to my quilting..Just love your pics and words. I am not gifted in such beautiful words. Thanks for you daily messages. and look into your wonderful quilts.
Right on the money, Finn. You do know me very well. Wonderful to see some of my favorite quilts in your post today.
Oh yeah, can I be like you when I *finally* grow up? Thank you for the reminder of why we quilt, create and enjoy our "work" (the best kind, the kind that isn't work at all). I love your words - and the message they convey. Keep it up!
Finn, I LOVE the quilt hanging on the clothes line! Could it be a bunch of UFO's that you combined into one quilt or did you plan it that way? Those kinds of quilts are my favorite.
Golly, gee, I love your scrap quilts!
: )
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