Friday, June 08, 2007

A sparkle-spangled morning...

The sun comes early now, working its way to that longest day of the year. I was up before 6, and with my morning coffee I found sparkles twinkling in the front room through the holes in the blinds. The sparkles and shadows fascinate me, something so elusive....I had to try and capture them in the moment. Many pictures later, these are the best of the bunch. I'm pleased with the first one.. The second one isn't bad, and gives you a glimpse into my tiny cottage. A little doll from Patti can be seen leaning by the Rayo lamp. The lamp is an old, dented railroad lamp. I have it's gas parts, but converted it to electricity. My Dad found it, I know it's connected to one of the 3 railroads that ran through my home town. It seems I've had it forever.....longer than I can remember.

And of course someone who lives here...*S*....can't bear it if I am paying too much attention to something else....LOL. She looks pretty funny hiding behind that curtain to see what all the fuss is about. And her eye, with the curtain trim across it. I went outside to snap some flower pictues in the cool freshness of morning. The July heat of yesterday (it was in the low 90's) gave way over night...this morning found us with a lovely 54 degrees....very much like September. Talk about a change! The flowers pictures will keep, but I'll share my yellow shoes. Jean found them for me at a yard sale. They really are carved wooden shoes painted bright yellow. I plan on planting some sedem in them soon. Most sedem(like hens'n'chicks)have very shallow root systems and work well in odd containers.

They do make a nice spring picture, don't they? Help yourself with a right-click if it makes you happy....*VBS* I'll post it over in Webshots also.


Paula, the quilter said...

A miniature sedum would look really good in those shoes!

Libby said...

Your shoes will make darling little planters.
Do you think maybe Ebby is playing 'hide&seek'*s*

Sweet P said...

Beautiful pictures of the morning. Ebby is adorable as always. Those shoes are great. They will make a nice planter.

Patti said...

Oh my, I LOVE the yellow shoes! A perfect planter IMHO. Ebby is so cute behind the curtain. I love seeing the doll at your house!

Angie said...

Those are great pictures, Finn! We too have had those "August" temps--for days on end now--but we did have a bit of a storm this evening, and it broke the heat if only for this one night. *s* Those yellow wooden shoes are AWESOME! I LOVE them!! Lucky you to have a friend that found them for you! :D Thanks for sharing it and letting us 'borrow' it! :)

Darcie said...

Oooh! Love the idea for your clogs to be re-purposed into planters. You'll share a pic with us, won't you please?!

Tazzie said...

Thank you so much for showing us a peek into your home.

atet said...

Lovely pictures -- and isn't the cooler weather lovely? I like the warmth, but this early is a bit much!

Cher said...

ah, the mystery of the Yellow Shoes is solved! great idea and I must make a note of that plant suggestion.
have a wonderful Sunday Finn...