It's been a very odd sort of day today...not quite like any thing I've experienced before. I've spent most of Christmas Eve and all of Christmas Day alone, except for Ebony. I've tried hard not to slip into that 'place' where all the ghosts of Christmas Past come calling, but I guess with 67 Christmases behind me, it's easier said than done.
This very faded picture from 1946 is a window into a sad Christmas past. My baby brother had been born and died in December of 1945. It didn't stop Christmas from coming...and also a baby from the WI Welfare Dept. for my Mom to take care of . They took the baby away in mid December of 1946, as a new baby was due to be born at our house in 1947. There were presents under the tree for me, but not much visibility of parents. A quiet and lonely Christmas. The doll in the picture is a Candy Kid, made by the Effenbee Co in 1946. I got one dressed in pink that Christmas and another dressed in blue for my birthday the Oct. of 1947.

This is an original Candy Kid doll, the picture is from Ebay. I didn't win that auction, but I kept the picture.The original dolls were composition material, and didn't hold up well over the years. They chipped very badly. IF you can find one to bid on,it will be very expensive.

This is a reproduction Candy Kid doll. The company used the original molds(but cast the doll in a resin type material)in 1996 and produced a limited edition for the 50 year anniversary. I bid on and won a doll dressed in pink, and another in an original(reproduction) box. This one(in blue)isn't mine, but another picture from Ebay. I'm sad that I don't have my original dolls, the 2 Candy Kids and others from over the years. My Mom decided they should go to needy families. I was not consulted before hand, and it's too late once the toy is in the hands of another child.

This was our tree from Christmas, 1951. I know that because I had turned 11 in Oct and was getting too big for dolls. But Santa brought me one anyway...a blond one for me, a dark haired one for my 4 yr old sister. Our baby sister was 6 months at Christmas. I have a Kodak picture of the 3 of us, on the couch, with the 2 large dolls.

And this one is probably 1953...I don't remember much detail about most childhood Christmases...just a glimspe here and there.
Finn Family DIDN'T get to gather on Sunday. The Grinch, or someone, stole Christmas and kept it from coming. Heavy, heavy snow and then dropping temps and high winds kept my kids and grandkids with their home fires burning. As it turns out, there was misery all across the nation, weatherwise. 19 deaths are blamed on the Storm that roared through the midwest and up across the eastern seaboard. What can you do? What can you say? Better luck next year? Nope...we aren't going to try this again. In the multitude of phone calls that resulted from the storm, it was decided that WE are MOVING Christmas to another month entirely...! Probably Christmas in July or maybe in September....but NO MORE of this 'weather dance'.
Yesterday was clear, sunny and bright....and I'm happy for all who were delayed in their air and road travel. Today is overcast, but basically clear and moderate. Of course all of my fkids had other plans for yesterday and today.
DD#1 and her sweet DH came driving in about 9, bringing presents and breakfast! It was wonderful to get to see one of my kids at least, and after a few hours visit, they were on their way again.
Today I was suppose to have Christmas Dinner with friend Jean, but on Saturday she fell victum to the season flu that is going around. She called today to say I could still come if I wanted to, but of course she is in NO shape to eat what she would be cooking. I declined and stayed home *VBS* Better for both of us that way.
I've NOT been sad today, or depressed....just rather confused by such an odd set of circumstances....wondering how, after all these years, and so many people in my life, I managed to be completely alone this Christmas....LOL.
I've watched Christmas movies and sorted Orphan blocks, and reminded myself often that there are MANY, MANY people in the world who are alone most of the time. Whether due to life style, circumstances, or choice.... I'm not the only one. And I'm ok, warm, safe and I have Ebby for company! And so I wish a Merry Christmas to one and all, around the world. May a year of peace,joy and good fortune be yours. Hugs for everyone, Finn
Merry Christmas, my friend. How apropos that my first comment this day on a blog using my brand new laptop is to my friend Finn! We had a very quiet Christmas. It snowed all day long and now we have a very bitter wind chill. I spent the afternoon knitting a Jibber for a friend. *s*
Your not alone's just that we (your friends from Blogland) are thousand of miles apart...but we are here reading and wishing you well for the Christmas season!
As for my Christmas, well the lurgy (nasty flu bug) has descended on our household for Christmas...lucky us! It's been a quiet day and half the family has taken to their beds and I have been left with some fabric, new books and my sewing machine. I do believe that is a silver lining to what has to be one of the worst Christmases on record! Good thing I was only doing a chicken instead of a turkey and that I had the ingredients to make a heart warming soup. Let's hope New Years is better.
I love your photos--- Memories to hold onto. I don't have pictures of my childhood. Everytime I see yours I think...I need to ask my Mom about those. Christmas never has to be celebrated on "the day". Me--- I'm hoping my Christmas lasts lost after the day has come and gone....Here's to an entire season of memories, giving, music, and spirit....
Warm hugs and wishes for you, Finn, this Christmas Day!
We have no family within a day's drive, so dh and I spent several hours at the Desert Museum. Hand in hand, hanging out with my best friend. Sure, we'd LOVE to have the kids all here but they're busy creating their own memories, and we continue to make ours.
This is your NEW memory. Your first quiet one? First one you didn't have to cook for?
Your eternal optimist friend,
These Holidays can be so very bittersweet, can't they? Sometimes I long for time alone to do just what I want to do...then we have Christmas Day and me and Randy, the wienies and Homer Kitty. I'm a bit under the weather too, so to tell you the truth, it suited me just fine. But, oh, I've had those heart-wrenching 'wierd' Christmases in the past too. Sending warm hugs and love to you my dear friend! And of course, and always to Mz. Ebby too! :>
Holidays can be a let-down, we have such high expectations of them sometimes. But enjoy yourself and celebrate in your own way. We had Christmas dinner last night, and today I sewed in the morning, had breakfast with my kids, and then they went to their dad's. Michael my honey and I spent the afternoon playing the guitar and singing. It may not be anyone else's idea of Christmas, but my heart is full.
I'm glad you got to see at least one of your kids. I like your resolution to have Christmas at another time of the year when your family can more easily get together.
I love your doll stories. Yesterday I saw a metal dollhouse in a store window just like the one I had as a kid. I'm going to have to go back for a closer look.
Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas Finn. Remember it is a day to celebrate the birth of Christ and somehow we as people have allowed so much pressure to be dumped on us. We had a quite dinner with son and DIL and enjoyed the company. Now just hubby and me ratteling around and cleaning up from dinner. Enjoy the day and know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many.
It's wonderful that you have the photos to remind you a little. I have maybe 1 that was on a Christmas card Mama sent out one year. I know just how you feel about the dolls being given away without consulting you. My parents did that with my bike and books while I was at the dorm my freshman year of college. =( I'm still holding on to some of my boys' things, in case they need them some time. =)
Hi, Finn, I was happy for you when you said in an earlier post that all of your children, etc., would be gathering just before Christmas; I'm so sorry the weather changed that. We have so many things in common. My mother gave away my Vogue Baby Dear doll with a complete wardrobe without even asking me, I believe to an antique dealer who went through the house. She would never say. It was all mint and the one outfit I have never even seen on eBay and it isn't listed in the Vogue book. I've been alone today, too; my son spent the holidays with his dad.
It's been a different kind of Christmas here, too, Finn. And, as you note, a not unpleasant one - just different. I have also done a lot of reflecting on Christmases past, not sadly - just because I hadn't taken those memories out and dusted them off for a while. And used those memories to make this Christmas a special one in the memory banks by making all the old cookies and candies that I used to make with my mother - to fill gift tins for my family. Since I can't send the calories through the internet, I'll send you the sweet thoughts. God bless you, now and always, Finn - and He won't mind if you celebrate His birthday in July!
Finn: Know that you and Ebby were in the thoughts of many of us out here in blogland today and throughout this holiday season. Merry Christmas to you and all the best in the coming year!
Oh, I was so pleased to read your post on the Candy Kid doll. I have my original doll found a few years ago in my Mom's basement as she was getting ready to sell her home.
To this day my doll is a prize possession. I remember the many hours of enjoyment playing with her but not exactly when she was received.I'm assuming a mid 40's Christmas as those were my doll receiving years. She' isn't in great condition but is beautiful to me.
Thanks again for that post.
: )
blogreaders all over the world visit you on Christmasday.Strangers, like me, and friends. It's not the same as family, but nevertheless I wish you a Merry Christmas and ofcourse a very happy 2008.
I think that Christmas is so over-hyped everywhere you look that it sometimes brings a tinge of saddness when it isn't all "Martha Stewartish". All of our family is scattered across the country so, while I wasn't alone, it was just the 4 of us. I wish you a healthy and happy New year ahead in the company of your cute little furry friend. Thanks for brightening my day so often.
Yes, I've seen those terrible weather conditions on TV..., too bad for you Finn. BUT on the other hand you didn't have to COOK (like Fitzy says) VBS (I'm EXHAUSTED, Finn ! LOL). I thought I was in "cooking-washing dishes land", with the kids all soooo busy together, they idn't even notice me ! Believe me, I just felt "inexistant" in that crowdy reunion (ME ??? Inexistant ??? LOL LOL)...
I enjoyed seeing your photos : though a little nostalgic, at least I could imagine how Christmas was like the year I was born -1951-...
A BIG, special (((HUG)) and smiles to you, Finn !
I sure do feel one humongous blog-friend hug coming your way after reading your post and all the comments so far *s* This time of year can be so complicated - we look for the warmth of loved ones and hearth of home - when really the beauty of the season comes from our own hearts. Hugs all around!
Higs Finn!! I am sorry your Christmas plans didn't pan out, but I am glad you got to see one kiddo at least. I love your dolls!! I really was too much of a tom-boy to play with too many dolls as a child, with 2 older brothers to keep up with, but I remember one doll that was as tall as I was, and I loved her. I also had a rag-dollie that I just loved and changed diapers religiously on...wonder where that baby went to?
Hugs again!!
I wish I could have had just a little bit of your snow for Christmas this year. Although we had a fairly nice family gathering, we didn't have any snow and it didn't feel like Christmas to anyone, but the children.
Glad that you at least had Ebony to keep you company and your trusty computer & phone to keep in touch with family.
Hope you have a joyous New Year.
And thanks for the parade of dolls from the past. It was nice seeing your doll collection.
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