and no less busy than last week. I'm a busy country mouse these days. I have 21 people coming to my house on the 23rd...oh my!! All 5 of my children, their partners and alllllll those grandsons and a couple of others too! I think we will be bursting at the seams!

And since a post just isn't hardly a post without a picture....this one will have to do! We've got a fun new blog over at Sew Prim Aussie gal who want to do it ALL! Welcome to blogland
Khris! Her blog was bigger but she somehow lost part of it in a flying-finger deleting session. I had almost NO computer time since late last week, so please forgive me if I haven't been by to see what you are up to.....I probably won't have much time until after the 23rd. That is OUR family gathering....and then the kids and partners scatter to the four winds for other celebrations.
I'm excited to have them ALL coming, but I'm also looking forward to afterwards...getting back to my quiet life and lots of sewing! It's HARD not to take time to sew each day!! Hope all is going well with all of you as the holiday draws near. Betsy tells me that the kids are taking the Amtrak back to WI for over the holiday...and she'll have Baby R. all to herself this time...LOL...she's already had a taste of having to share with the other grandparents, and found it not to her liking. Sounds like she's off to a good start as a grandma!
You will be just like the old woman in the shoe - kids pouring out every window and door. What a wonderful thing it will be to have them all together. I'm so very happy for you - I know how hard it is to have so many of your kids too far away to see very often. On the other hand - it's a very good thing they aren't staying all that long.
I think most of us in blogland are so wrapped up with the holiday season that we are having trouble finding time to sew and post. I know that's certainly the case at my house.
Oh what joy for you to have all 5 plus and plus again *s* Don't fret over details . . .take the time to savor every delicious moment. Those are the moments that will bring gigantic smiles to your face when all is quiet once again!
Enjoy your family and make some wonderful memories of your time together. Happy Holidays!
Enjoy the family! Better put a quilt under your bed for Ebby to use while she hides.
Sounds like so much fun. Having everyone together is the best ever!
Wow! You are going to be crowded!!
Hope Ebby doesn't get too nervous, with all those new people in her life!
Enjoy it all Finn!
Yup - make sure Ebby has a "safe house" away from the hustle and bustle of a very full House of Finn. Have fun my dear, but only do as much as you can. Don't over do it! Will be thinking of you.
What a lovely way to burst at the seams though Finn - ENJOY!!!!!!
so glad to hear you sounding festive. I think everyone is busy and after the holidays we will all catch up with each other again. In the meantime-Have fun and celebrate-winter is long and dark. These are the days that help us make it through with a smile.
Fun, fun Finn!! Enjoy all those babies. I know you are running around and cleaning and cooking, huh...take a moment for you!
Merry Christmas!!
Have a great Christmas, Finn! Wonderful that all your family will be there. My thoughts go out to Ebby who will probably wonder what decended on her quiet little way of life :) She'll be deserving of a raw chicken leg to devour or whatever she fancies for a feast!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas celebration.
OUr family gettogether is the 23rd also. I finish work on the 20th and don't return to the 31st! Wooo HOOO!!! Sure looking forward to some quiet days of sewing after Christmas.. Hope your get together is full of love and happiness!!
Thanks for the lovely welcome Finn. Wow you will have a busy day wont you with all the family. Big hugs, Khris in Oz
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