The overnight snow brought the need for shoveling to my walk and patio. And as you know, Ebby has her own special footstool(upholstered no less for cushiony comfort)by the big front window. She has a spectacular 180 degree view of the world outside. And she's a 'watcher'. The birds, the weather, and whatever is happening out there...she watches.
Yesterday the sound of a truck and footsteps in the complex brought her to her stool about 9 a.m. I watched the Walton's with one eye, and Ebony with the other....LOL.
Normally a ringing doorbell, a slammed car door, footsteps on the sidewalk all send her flying for the bedroom and the under bed safety cats need.
But yesterday she sat and watched the blue jean legs of the shoveler walk up my driveway, she watched him shovel by the garage door...and then....I held my breath thinking "ok, now she'll go flying for the bedroom", she watched him begin to shovel the sidewalk. Gosh....he was only about 3+ feet from where she sat...and she watched. Her ears flickered, she looked at me and then back at him..and she kept watching. The walk is short...maybe 8 or 9 feet to the patio. He got closer to the patio...she kept watching. More ear flickerings, but she sat and watched. Oh, oh..the sound changed as he began to clear off the cement slab. He bumped the railing and then the door, just slightly...and still she watched.
By now I am holding my breath and totally ignoring the Walton's...I watched Ebby sit on her stool and watch the guy who shovels. She was still there to watch him cross the street to Rosie's unit. No big deal, you say???? You have no idea how BIG all this really is in the continuing story of Ebby, a travelin' cat. If your furry friend is secure, loving and trusting...give him/her/them a big hug and count your blessings...*VBS*, maybe Ebby and I will get to that place yet *S*
Finn, I'm a cat lover myself, and it seems to me you have loved this cat into feeling more secure every day. What a big milestone!
What a lovely story. You obviously have lots of love in your house :o)
Yippee for Ebby! I think this calls for a celebration, but maybe a quiet one.
Love your story, Ebby is a lucky cat now for sure, and LOVE that snow.
This is a red letter event for you and Ebby. Cats are soulful creatures and once they have been traumatized it takes forever for them to get even halfway back to some semblance of normal. I share your joy.
Cool Finn! Cats are such wonderful companions, a joy to watch their habits and yet you never ever know every inch of their soul. Good for you and Ebby!
Ah, Finn. In Shakespeare;s "A Winter's Tale' a young girl child named Perdita (for lost) is orphaned and deliberately abandoned. She is raised by a peasant family, never realizing she is of royalty and in a famous stage direction it told to "exit chased by a bear". Little (lost in many ways) Ebby, is finding her way back, bit by bit...just like you...and discovering her true royal lineage...no need to run from bears any longer! No wonder she sits at that window...talk about one regal little cat!!! She knows darn well how much she is loved...lost and alone, no more!!
I knew you'd get there in the end. I just knew it. Well done Finn for giving her her confidence back. May the House of Finn be the end of her wanderings.
Watching the Waltons? Oh gosh that takes me back.
I so love hearing about Ebby's growing confidence and faith in humans! She is just like my Natasha who was so frightened and mistrusting when we first got her. Seems that love and patience--and time-- are what these babies need. Give her a hug for ne. She's such a doll.
Good for Ebby. I am still waiting for Pippi not be such a scaredy cat after 10 years.
She does a little better when one of my girlfriends stops by. She doesn't high tail it when the golfing friend is here which is odd since it provokes that response in me, LOL. Loud trucks and then the doorbell (delivery people) tend to provoke the flight response more.
Cheers to you and Ebby. You've both done great work together.
Oh Finn, I do hope that such bravery has been rewarded with a nice kitty treat *s* Way to go, Ebby!
What an important day! Reading your narrative was just like watching a video of that adventure - I can see the whole episode in my mind. Congratulations!
Oh Finn that is just wonderful news...Miss Ebby is coming into her own! You've done a fantastic job with her.
I know exactly what you mean. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to know that your pet feels safe with you?
A red later day indeed!! Congratulations to Ebby and big hugs to you, for loving life enough to give her this chance. Trust is a risky thing; just look what you've done!! Lucky you with all your snow...
These days I'm a faster clicker than Commenter, but I so enjoyed your story of your kitty! Funny animals, amazing to think about what's in their heads.
Thanks for the story, and photos of that lovely SNOW! We are still without.
I'm so touched by this story. The cat I had (Jake)that looked like Ebby was abandoned and very fearful. He would only sleep in the bathroom sink. It took a very long time for him to be comfortable and I nearly cried the day he came up and nuzzled my face. I still remember I was eating breakfast(yogurt) and I just pointed the spoon at him and he was in purring, yogurt, heaven. Really nice-thanks for bringing back the memory.
Awesome! I have rescue dogs pass through my house and understand the accomplishment. Huge!
Big steps for Ebby! She is lucky to have such a great owner! As I type, it is snowing here in CT. I'm sure we won't get as much as you but it sure is pretty!
have a great weekend.
oh i think a treat of some tuna is called for. Such bravery! I
Ahhhh, what a sweet tale, er, tale!
Ah, what an accomplishment for Ebby... Booker my scardy cat runs and hids all the time and he is three and has only had one home. You are such a blessing for Ebby.. And you are an inspiration to my quilting all the time.. Moving to Birmingham in January.. So quilting is slow right now packing is priorty.. I keep telling self change is good and I will survive the move.. Blessings to you dear internet friend..
That's nice to hear. It isn't fair that animals get so badly treated by some people. She obviously feels safe now, and knows she has landed in a soft place.
What a wonderful Miss Ebby story. Your relationship with her has come a long way.
Your snow photos are great.
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