My Mom loved pictures. She loved taking pictures. Not sure that she loved snow, but apparently I did *VBS* Do I still love snow?? Hmmmm...guess I'd say 'yes, but in moderation please'.

This one was taken in Dec. of 1941...I was 14 months old. Pretty cold stuff!

And in Dec. of 1943, I had a little neighborhood friend to play with. His name was Billy. He's on the left. I stayed taller than him all the years I knew him.

By 1950 I had grown pretty tall...a whoppin' 5'2". And those are the heavy woolen jacket and snowpants I spoke of in the slidding post.

It was a special occasion day when this was taken. A Christmas visit from my Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Bartz. She was a very special person in my troubled life. I really wished I could live with her, and not at home. Of course that was just my childish wishful thinking *S* I particularily LOVE the little thing on my head in this picture. I wore one of some sort or another every winter. We called them "jibbers"..they were knit, narrower by the lower ears and chin, and got wider as it crossed you head. It did have some shaping up each side. The best year of all was 1953, when as a new teenager, I had a white angora jibber and matching mittons...I was in 'heaven' *VBS* Does anyone out there know of a place I could get a pattern for one of these??????

And my "last-but-not-least" picture for today is quilty!!! A friend's PLAID SHIRTS quilt top, in progress. This was to be a memory quilt for a SIL. The gal's brother had died of cancer, and she took his shirts and made this quilt for his widow. I love that particular block, which is known as a 'four patch variation'. I've done one double bed size quilt of it, in scraps. I think it would also look great in Christmas fabrics. How is everyone coming on their holiday sewing???? Happy Weekend one and all!
What wonderful pictures. I always envied my friends who had those cute little head bands. I had ear muffs. =( That quilt will be so nice. I hope you'll show a pic when it's finished, too.
I'd never known them as jibbers, but I searched and found this link on the gardenweb forum for you (No. 693 Hatband on pp. 5&6):
Your pictures brought a lot of memories to me. Thanks!
Sheila in Ohio
oh Finn so nice to see these pictures of you as a child!
Never heard of that type of hat before!
I like the plaid quilt, what a nice story too
Lovely pics of you, growing up. Never had those hats, but I suppose our winters were not so cold. No snow!
Love that quilt top, what a great idea.
Nice to see baby Finn!! Winters were cold growing up. Did you ever have mittens with strings connecting them, then ran through your coat? We did!!
Like those plaids, and that particular pattern is saved in favorites for me to do ...some day...
Hugs for Finn!!
Oh the pictures of you in the snow are so cute! And your friends quilt is wonderful! It is going to turn out beautiful.
lovely pictures of you growing up, I doub't there were that many taken of me until I married.But I lived in Ky. and it was very cold and we had lots of snow. But don't remember what I wore to keep me warm. Love your quilt.
you asked how our Christmas projects are coming, Welllllll, The last week and this one, I finished the new baby's quilt, made our Granddaughter a quilt and have almost finished the last of my wanna-be quilts. have made 3 wannabe quilts, (I wannabe a great grandmother) must have worked our oldest DGS is going to be a daddy late summer. The only thing I will have left to sew for Christmas is a pillow case. Am making DGD one to match her quilt.
Have a good night . J
I wasn't born until 1947, but we wore those, too. We called them "saddles", I guess because of the shape. They were great to wear with a ponytail. When I took Home Ec. in Jr. High, one of our assignments after learning to knit and purl was to make one of these. We cast on a few stitches and made one tie, then increased a stitch on each side until we had the right width, knit until it was long enough, decreased a stitch on each side until we got to the width of the tie and knit until both ties were the same. I am sure back then I knew how many rows and how many stitches, but it was a long time ago!
Again, Finn, you bring some sweet memories back to me.
I had one of those head things. I especially liked them if they had pom-poms on the ends of the ties. They looked so "swell" when tied under your chin. (or so we thought)
I do like the plaid quilt and as Susan said, I look forward to seeing it when it's done.
Stay warm.
Love looking at your pictures. That's the kind of snow I remember from living in the midwest. So deep you could make tunnels through it. What fun.
The quilt is very nice-what a lovely idea.
Oh those pictures of snow are such fun! Love the quilt as well -- what a great scrappy pattern!
I found two patterns:
• Coif
• Caloimetry
Both are easy knits (I've made the second one). Want one? Are you allergic to wool? Any color preferences?
Hi Finn, I have posted a photo of my sections sewn up ready to subdivide. Hoping for some sewing time, as it seems a little cooler today. We are having the Grandson though, so I may not get any sewing done.
I love snow *s* Okay, I rarely ever experience it, but I know I LOVE it. Make a snowball or two for me, okay?
Brrr, Finn, you're making me glad I don't live up north... our high temp tomorrow is predicted to be 77 degrees. :)
And WTG on Ebby's new brave self!
your old photos are so wonderful Finn, thanks for sharing. Holiday sewing? uh, um....sure...any minute now *vbg*
Love the pictures. They remind me of some I have.
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