Here's my latest WIP...a new project begun over Christmas. I've been sewing up odds and ends of 2.5" strips and squares to make 4 patches.

Mostly I want to NOT have so many left overs from making several of Bonnie's Bargello tops.

So I'm making 2 & 2 4 patches(which match) and setting those aside for one of Gypsy Quilters Kitchen Sink tops. With the odd sets(half a 4 patch)I'm setting them aside to use in THIS top. I've cut up a yard plus of the dark blue VIP into 4.5" squares, and the quilt will be whatever size it gets to before the VIP squares run out...LOL It's going to be a fairly dark looking top, but that's ok I think.

And here is one of the Kissy dolls I own....or she owns me. This is one of the original outfits, with it's ribbon in good condition. The shoes are NOT original, and this particular doll NEVER wore socks. It's interesting how some people selling them don't know that...LOL
I've loved hearing about dolls from some of you, my readers, I hope others may show pictures of some of their treasures if they have them.
Quick post today, I get to go to Betsy's house after lunch and meet her new granddaughter *VBS* See you later!
Oh, I am jealous, you get to hold a new baby! There is nothing like that feeling!
I love the quilt........think I have some of that VIP fabric around here somewhere bought for some long ago forgotten unstarted project.
Yes, there is something so special about holding a baby. Enjoy!. This is the first chance I've had to read about your holidays. So sorry the weather was such a problem. But as you know, trying to get together and an accident occuring would have been so much worse. I have my doll in MI but she is in very poor condition. I have started to throw her away so many times. I love the idea of finding a pic of herto keep. Dolls were very big for me, an only child. I really loved those pics of your childhood Christmas trees. My DH and I always decorated out trees with silver tinsel hanging just as your's had it. It took forever to place each strand but I loved the effect. It was the last thing put on after the lights and oraments. Our trees are some of my favorite memories. I got a chance to fly to Mobile to visit my son and family for two weeks. How wonderful. This is the home of the last quilt and pillow I made. My DD is keeping Kipper. Happy New Year!
That's going to be a lively quilt! I may have to take some of my squares and do something like that. It's ridiculous to have so many lying fallow. =)
I know you'll enjoy playing with your kitchen sink.
I like the look of your scrap quilt.
Love your Kissy doll. I am such a sucker for dolls.
Enjoy that baby.
Best wishes for 2008, Finn.
Hugs xx
give that baby an extra babies are so delicious!
Am so enjoying your information about dolls. I am a real doll lover and got one for every Christmas and birthday till I was at least 12. Some I still have in boxes and in good shape...a ballet doll and a bride doll. My favorite was the Tiny Tears I got for Christmas when I was 8. I first saw her when in the hardware store with my grandpa...there she was in that little suitcase with everything you would need to care for her! Then one day she disappeared from the store shelf and I cried and cried, not knowing she was put back on layaway by my dear mom! Kept asking Mother where she was and she said 'oh, in the attic somewhere'. This summer when we tore her kitchen off to build her a new one, a sack fell down and it was full of my dolls. There was my Tiny Tears!!! Her eyes don't work (kind of got squeezed and bent), but otherwise she is in great shape in her original dress. Will try to get a photo of her for you soon.
Love to read your stories, Finn. Thanks Linda (Petey)
That's going to be a very fun four patch quilt. I don't think there's anything better than a good scrappy quilt for a child!
The new set of GEICO commercials has reminded me of my beloved Chatty Cathy doll. My favorite toy of all time, though, was the stuffed frog prince I picked out for my birthday one year. The only dolls I have left from my childhood are Raggedy Ann and Andy, which I was given at the tail end of my dolly years. Christmas is the perfect time to wander down that particular memory lane isn't it?
Here's wishing you a warm and happy New Year!
I like your newest quilt. It looks so happy. I hope your enjoyed visit with the baby.
What fun doll memories. I collected some Madame Alexander dolls when I was younger -- but, they weren't really for playing with. The new quilt is going to be lovely! I'm sorry the weather interfered with Christmas for you -- but glad you were able to be warm, cozy and happy. Happy New Year Finn -- may the new year bring you joy, love, and much sewing!
Happy congratulations to you on the new baby. Kissy's pretty cute, too; even with shoes and socks. Happy New Year, Finn!
Kissy!!! I remember her *s* I do believe I remember the dress, too *s*
Happy New Year Finn - I hope '08 is a wonderful year!
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