That old devil "Time" is at it again. Always the enemy, always eluding us. As I think about that, the passing of time, years in particular, I think of lyrics from the "Old Devil Time" song.." ..and when you have me in your icy grasp, my friends all gather round, and help me rise, rise and defeat you, one more time."...I am thinking about a gathering of friends this year. My graduation class will hit the BIG 50 on May 29th, 2008. Our gathering is scheduled for August 8th in the town of my birth.

Looking back at the beginnings... my first grade class. I'm the one on the far right, front row. It was my birthday. Wearing my special blue dress and blue ribbons in my hair. The camera clicks, the first grade class of South Side School is captured forever...An October day in 1946. I remember nearly all of their names *S*

Fast forward...last day of 6th grade. Different time, different place, still my home town, but the south side kids were transported to a larger school for 5th and 6th grade. I have learned to 'mingle' with the 'uptown and hill' kids. They will become part of my 155 member graduating class. The country kids haven't arrived yet.Next year, we will hit another building, the Junior High,for 7th,8th and 9th grade. Most of country schools stopped at 6th and then transporting the kids to town. I got to know many of these particular kids very well. Our class was divided into 'sections' alphabetically. I was an S-4, in the R-Z section. Meaning home room every year with the same kids. I'm not in this picture, I was the one taking it...*VBS*

And then you're at the 'end', graduation. I graduated on a Friday night at the local Fair Grounds. The only seating facility big enough to hold us and our families. The class of 1958, were the last class to graduate from the old high school. September would find the doors opening on a new, single level sprawing high school in a different part of town. Our school is gone now, torn down, leaving only the foundation and oddly enough the steps. They leading up to a door that is no longer there. I've always thought "how strange", those step that lead you to no where but memories.
The $64 dollar question, these dsya, is "will I attend the reunion?" I don't know. Time will tell.
Your post brings back a lot of memories...some good and some better forgotten. I graduated in
1959 - so looking at these pictures makes me think of my own class mates.
I have not gone to any of my reunions. Never cared to attend...but that is me. My sister who is 3 years younger never misses any of hers.
As always I enjoy your slant on life in general.
Amelia in Oklahoma
Time does just fly - for me, this is the 30th reunion year. I don't believe there is a gathering being organized for this milestone. Funny, I think the folks that still live in town believe they see everyone there is to see - and those of use who left are not always anxious to return for a stroll down memory lane. I would love to return to my elementary school - see the kids, teachers and the classrooms - those were days of real innocence *s*
I have mixed emotions about the reunion thing. I am not the person who lived in that time having grown into who I am now. Yet, as much as I resist the memory lane thing, I get great enjoyment out of it when it happens. It does then stick with me a while and that is not always comfortable.
I hope you go Finn, I think you would have a lot to add to the memories of the others there with your outlook on life. I have enjoyed going back into those days in my chats with you.
I go to some, and I've missed some, my last one was a few years ago, it was my 35th and we didn't go. maybe I'll go for the 40th?
What you need to do is get close to an old friend, if you're not aleady, and if they go, you go, that's what my friend and I do, then we have anchor.
Go, and have a blast! your personality is so bubbly and engaging, you'll win them all over!
just like you do us!
You all look so darling in the first photo especially.
yikes! a little pricey but ya gottaq go...50 years...this year is my 40th class reunion. havent heard a work about it, we are going to austin anyway so no trip to san diego. it is scarry how quick the time zooms by, as i get older it seems to just streak by.
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