I awoke this morning to snow on the grass. I know it's suppose to be "snow on the mountain", but I have no mountain. We are among the lucky ones, only enough to cover the grass, and it's already melted. The Dakotas are getting clobbered. As always I have scraps of my life to share today *VBS*

The latest rug is finished.
Granny Lyn asked about it last week. I finished up on Wednesday, and it went home that evening with DD#1. It will grace her newly painted porch, adding more color and charm to a lovely screen porch. She liked it very much *VBS*

On the quilting front, this older top is getting another row added to one side and across the top this weekend. It's "do or die" time for this one! I'm putting in a DVD and doing a little sewing marathon...join me if you want *VBS* I've been working on the Orange Crush mystery in between finishing up older projects.
Bonnie should be adding step #3 next week.

Going to our "super spy" mode, lets see what else is in Finn's cottage Hmmm...looks like the back of the stove. Do you have an irrestible urge to put things on the back of the stove? I do. Yes, the tea kettle is green, as are the salt and pepper shakers. Did you notice last week....the toaster is also green?? *VBS* Wanna guess what color my cookware is???

And let's be nosey...I love seeing what other people have in the 'frig *VBS* Here's Finn's...a kettle of chili was made last evening, and one container will be for lunch today. The others have already migrated to the freezer for future use. Yougurt, coffee, totillas, cottage cheese, milk, carrots....not too bad.
I LOVE THAT RUG!!!! Yes, I was yelling there because it's GORGEOUS!!! I want to make a rug just like that! if I bring you muffins will you teach me????
Hi Finn my Mum would not be happy if I showed a pic of my fridge she says it is disgusting.......lol......enjoy your day.....
Oh how I love those rugs ! I wish I could make one myself. I've always dreamed to have one in my bedroom....
The log cabin is so gorgeous. That pattern is always a winner.
Hmmmm Yummy food in the fridge ! Can I come ? :>)
Hugs & smiles, dear,
LOL...stay away from my refrigerator with that camera. The best of intentions to use those leftovers sometimes get forgotten. That's a beautiful log cabin quilt, one of my all time favorite patterns.
You're braver than I am! No one's coming *near* my 'frige with a camera!
Snow in the Dakotas? Those poor people! Bad enough that you had a dusting. Sometimes I think this is the winter that will never end!
The rug is simply lovely. And that log cabin makes me want to start one. Wonderful colors!
yeah...its been snowing here all day and into the night, the wind is howling...i am afraid what we will wake up to. my poor daffodils and tulips and stuff. and all the new budlets on the trees. dang! it is almost may and it is supposed to snow on mon and tues also.
really like the rug. the top is great also. looks like i will be doing some sort of sewing tomarrow since we wont be working in the yard as we had planned.
Oh, Finnie Finn Finn!!!
The rug is every bit as beautiful as I thought it would be! I'm going to start a new "bin" and label it "rug strips"
The log cabin is wonderful, how long has it been in progress? I am so enamored of the log cabin designs.
And, I see you have the makings for a good Irish Coffee...I"ll be over in a couple minutes...
What a hoot! I don't even want my family to see the inside of the fridge(heee)
That rug is very pretty and the quilt is gorgeous.
Like Mare, I LOVE YOUR RUG. If I bring the coffee (or tea) can I learn, too? I'm liking your log cabin top and barn rising is my favorite setting.
Glad to hear your rains did no damage. We have cleared up, cold, the 'river' dried and the ponds have leveled off again. Life is good :)
I check your blog often, but think this is the first time I have commented. I just had to tell you how much I love that rug. I think I'm gonna have to try one of those.
That quilt is lovely too....and from looking in your frig....you seem to have pretty healthy foods in there.
Oh, I do love your crocheted rugs--reminds me that I want to make a new one for my kit
chen. Just wish the crochet fairy would stop by and cut the strips, attach them, and roll them into balls!!!! Your new sunrise banner is so neat. I'm a fan of sunrises and sunsets myself! Your reunion sounds fun--my 50th is 3 years away.
Finn, as usual your posts are so inspiring. I really love the rug. My great-grandma used to make them out of old wool clothing she would get from thrift shops. They wore like iron and I always loved them. I'm thinking that is a great project for using up my old outdated fabrics. I wonder how much fabric it would take for one like yours...mmmm...I need to start a strip bin just for a multi-color rug!
How on earth do you make a rug? It's gorgeous!!!
And let me guess - you shop at Aldi's? (I shop there exclusively, and have the same brand yogurt, cottage cheese and butter - hehe).
I like the quilt top - what a great contrast between the dark and the light.
I love that log cabin, very cheerful, it looks soo cosy.
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